Monday, February 8, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?!?!

More snow? MORE SNOW?!?!?!? I am so SICK and tired of snow! And cold! Winter needs to go away! I want sunshine and temperatures that don't make me cold for hours b/c I can't seem to get my bones warm! GO AWAY WINTER!!!!!!! Sigh. I am so ready for spring...and summer...even fall. Winter, I am so over. And I'm starting to get a headache. Oy. Ok, vent over.

On the up side, my roast turned out great! Woot! Also, I went to Old Navy and picked up a couple things. They didn't have everything I wanted, so I ordered some things on line. Best deal of the day? A black racer back tank top made of flowy fabric with ruffles along the neckline for....$1.74! Go me!

Lastly, my friends and their baby girl still need major prayers, if you're the praying kind. If not, do whatever you do to bring good things. They need all the help they can get.

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