Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Migraines Suck

This morning I woke up to a migraine. Ugh. I only get the a few times a year, but when they do come on, they are hell. Light and sound are my mortal enemies. Unpleasant. I was finally able to climb out from under my cover of darkness and silence around noon.

Jon finally went to the doctor today. He either has irritable bowl syndrome or an allergy to gluten. Either way, at least we shall know the answer soon. It will be nice just to know why he's been so sick. Anybody have any gluten free recipe books to recommend? I'll need them if that's what the tests show.

So now, I'm going to settle in to bed, watch a little Golden Girls, and go to bed early. I slept 1/2 the day, you'd think I wouldn't be tired. Migraines suck.

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