Saturday, February 20, 2010


Witty title huh? Well today I woke up in a great mood. It's Saturday, what could go wrong?! A flooded kitchen that's what. As I wandered into the living room, I heard a strange sound coming from the vicinity of the water heater. It took me a minute to realize that the kitchen had a 1/2 inch of water standing in it. Yep. The water heater broke, flooded the kitchen, and nearly blew up. The upside? Our fantastic plumbers (Schneider's...use them if you live around Seymour IN!!!!) were able to come out at 9 am this morning and put in a brand spanking new water heater!

They were done by 11am! Awesome! So after that debacle, we went to Josh's game. After that, we had lunch with Sonnie and Phil. Yum! I love garden quesadilla's! Then Jon and I came home and took a 2 1/2 hour nap! No I will do my taxes and watch Jon play some Bioshock. I love Saturday's.

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