Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hump Day Haul

I went shopping! Actually, it was just a mini shopping spree, but I came away with 2 awesome finds! Firstly, I got a new pair of skinny jeans. I have a grey pair that I love, but let's face it, you can only wear grey jeans so many times in a row. Old Navy has their jeans on sale for $19 right now so I picked up a pair.

Now on to the good stuff. I found this purse.

How fantastic is this purse?!??! It matches some of the spring clothes I got! I love flower appliques! Will carry this springy purse even though there is still snow on the ground you ask? You bet your ass I will! I just moved everything from my gold purse to this one. Woot!

Next is the fabulous dress I found a JC Penny.

Guess how much? Never mind, you'll be wrong. I got this baby for $5!!!!! Score! I love a good sale. The picture looks kind of funny, but it is a fucia sweater dress. Love!

"Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress."
- Coco Chanel

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