Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So my mom is insisting Jon and I get engagement photos so she can put an announcement in the newspaper. Thing is, Jon HATES getting his picture taking. A LOT. So I decided this weekend, we will do a little DIY photo shoot and hopefully that will satisfy my mom.

Lays Kettle cooked Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper chips are awesome! If you are trying to eat healthy, do NOT go out and get these chips. You will finish the whole bag. They are that amazing! Yum...

I think I overestimated my ability to complete the 365 project. I think I should start smaller. I was thinking of doing a similar project, but with holidays. Maybe I'll start with a 14 days of Valentines Day. Document the 14 days leading up to V-day.

My cat is snoring.

I wore a dress today! Yea me! Step one out of my comfort zone. Not that dresses that far outside my comfort zone, but I'm starting with baby steps.I actually have a lot of dresses, I just don't wear them that often b/c I tend to feel self conscious in them. But now I'm going to wear them a lot. Embracing my inner girly girl!

Grrrrrr. Frustration.

"If love means never having to say you're sorry, then marriage means always having to say everything twice." - Estelle Getty

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