Tuesday, June 29, 2010

*sarah saunters through blogger*

Sometimes, things happen. You always knew they were going to happen, yet you still hoped they wouldn’t. But they do. Yea. That was sarcasm by the way. No further info given, just saying.
But on a happier note, I get to see Jon tonight! YEA!!!! (no sarcasm here!) We have our 3rd meeting with Pastor Joe for our premarital counseling. 1 more to go after tonight! I’m excited that I get to see Jon during the week. Even though he won’t stay late (we have Josh this week) it’s nice to get to see him for just a little while. And tomorrow, I get to have dinner with my high school Rachel! Oh and if you were wondering why I have to differentiate my Rachel’s, it’s b/c there are so many of them. Here is the list.
Rachel A (work)
Rachel G (sister)
Rachel S (high school friend)
Rachel S (Dan’s Rachel (FYI, Rachel A is also married to a Dan, so that adds to the confusion)
Rachel (Jon’s aunt Rachel)
See! Way too many Rachel’s, with same last initials or significant others with the same name! Anywho, I get to have dinner at Macaroni Grill with my high school Rachel! Yea!! (again, no sarcasm!) ah, well I’m up up and away!

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