Saturday, June 26, 2010

doggy doo and the NES

hello internet lovlies! Today is a wonderful Saturday morning! and even though my neighbor decided to start out Saturday at 8:30am by revving his motorcycle, i bid him no ill will, though i did for a moment think of flaming doggy doo on the door step.
This morning, we took our personality profiles for our meeting with the pastor. apparently I am an individualist who is sensitive, narcissistic, creative, and completely insecure!!! Actually, I suppose, since it is supposed to be a personality quiz of you over your whole life, this fits me quite a lot. I think I've evolved into something more. Then we went to David's for breakfast. David, Kate, Jon and I ran to Granny Bee's to check out their movies, and ended up getting Super Team Games for the NES. We came home to play it and of all four of us couldn't finish the 1st race! Oh man. This is what old feels like! We are just going to hang out at the house this evening and chill. AH. It feels so good to have nothing to do.
It is hot here today! I'm looking forward to next week when the forecast is calling for temps in the 70's.
In totally other news, I'm super excited about my twilight themed mini bachelorette party! Kate and Amber have said they'll be there and I'm going to have so much fun planning the Twilight theme. Eclipse is next week! I won't see it until a couple weeks later, but still, so excited!

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