Wednesday, June 16, 2010

it's diet coke day

I have loved planning my wedding. I love looking at all the pretty wedding sights out there and seeing all of the ideas! It’s really made me love party planning, and I’m actually planning on taking some of the things I’ve seen for weddings and using them on a small scale to have parties at my house! However, I decided to list my 3 favorite ideas that I’ve found about weddings/showers/bachelorette parties/etc.
1. a stock the bar shower/bachelorette party
I’m not really into lingerie, so it made no sense to have one of those parties, but my sisters wanted to have some kind of theme for a party before my bachelorette party. I decided to ask for a stock the bar party. Your guests bring their favorite alchohol/wine/beer or bar accessories and they stock your bar! It was a hit at my pre-bachlorette party bash!
2. a bachelorette party at a concert
I’m not a bar person, so I didn’t want to do the whole bar hopping bach party. My sister had gone to a concert for her bach party, and I followed suit. It was a blast! You still get to drink, people still congratulate you, and you get to enjoy a banging concert!
3. making the wedding yours aka the details
Let’s face it, your wedding is not about you. Oh you think it is, until everybody else gets involved. It’s still your day, but you have to take other people’s wants and needs into consideration. Also, it is your parents day to give you away and celebrate you getting married as much as it is your day to marry your one and only. One way I decided to take my day and make it mine was with personal touches. It doesn’t have to be a lot. The cake topper, the programs, the invites. These are all ways to put you back into your wedding. For instance, we are having a Star Wars cake topper and our programs are made to look like a comic book. It put the us back into our wedding day.

On my wedding checklist for this weekend is to finalize the invites and the guest list and work on getting all the addresses for our guest list. Then I need to make a list of stuff left to get and get it. Beer cups here I come! I’ve decided I really need to start assigning myself wedding checks for each week and complete them. I don’t want to be a week out and have too much to do!
I started reading Anne of Green Gables, and I love it!!!! It definitely does not disappoint!! I always loved the movie and now I love the books! Yea! I must admit, I don’t know if I would have liked the book so much if I hadn’t seen the movie first. Anne is awfully talkative and some of her dialogue can be a little long winded. So my rec in this situation would be to see the movie, then read the book. That way, when you read the book you can remember everything you love about the movie and that will enhance the reading of the book!
Last night I went to Target and got a couple things. I got a hot pink 8x8 scrapbook to put my bachelorette party in. I can’t wait to get the photos back and get started on it! I also got a second wedding photo album to give to the photographer. I had one and needed another one to hold all of our proofs. Lastly and my personal favorite, I got a photo album for home. I ran out of room in my last one ages ago and hadn’t gotten a new one. I am totally in love with the one I got! It’s a bit hard to describe, but it is green leather on the outside and wraps up a bit like a journal. It holds 100 pictures, and it’s just gorgeous! Having slept on it, I’m going to go back and get a few more. I would love to have them as a set. I already know where I am going to put them too! Don’t worry, pictures will be coming!!!

“Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.” - Anne Shirley – Anne of Green Gables

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