Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh What a Night!

I had the best time last night! My bachlorette party was awesome! Thanks to my sisters who put it all together and my mom who was the DD for us! Brad Paisley was awesome! Here are some of the highlights! Pictures will come at a later date.

A couple guys eating my candy penis necklace straight off my neck.
A few girls eating my penis candy bracelet off my wrist.
Andrea wearing a lampshade for a hat and becoming famous! Everybody wanted a picture with her! It was awesome!
Rachel having a Lindsey Lohan moment at the end of the night.
Getting to use the VIP parking and bathrooms.
Every other person stopping me to congratulate me.

It really was an amazing night! I can't believe my bachlorette party is over! We got tons of great pictures! My sisters were so sweet and really made it my kind of party! I absolutely loved it! I really feel blessed to have them! Also, before the concert, we met at my sister Kelly's house and they had food and a stock the bar party for me! I got lots of wine and liquor. I also got some scrapbooking stuff and some games off of our registry! I can definitely say this will go down as one of my best nights ever! Well I'm off to recuperate some more. Have a good one!

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