Thursday, June 17, 2010

thankful thrusday and tidbits

Things I am thankful for:
Blue skies
Lush green trees
My amazing fiancé Jon
My incredible family
My cats
Burt’s bee’s chap stick
New recipes to try
That it’s summer!
Ranch dressing
Grilled food
My mother-in-laws swimming pool

Ah Thursday. The day before Friday. We have a wedding tomorrow night (Congrats Rachel and Dan!!!) so that should be fun! This weekend I am trying my hand at grilling shrimp, per Jon’s request. Wish me luck! I’ve never done seafood before!! I also plan on swimming as much as possible this weekend. I’m so glad Jon’s mom has a pool! It’s just wonderful to be able to go over and jump in on a 90 degree day! Not to mention that it is a fantastic workout! If I could swim everyday I would. I love swimming!
I have been eating a lot of salad this week. The problem I have is dressing. I really don’t like fat free dressing! I love ranch, but of course it’s really bad for you! I try not to use very much, but does anyone out there know of a low fat or fat free ranch that tastes edible? I didn’t think so. Sigh. Everything in moderation a suppose. And yum for tomatoes! I could eat them at every meal! I find that when I add them to my salad, I don’t use as much dressing, so yea for that too!
I’m really going to try and get healthy! I need to make myself commit to exercising! I don’t care so much about losing weight anymore as I care about just being healthy. My plan is to swim on the weekends (weather permitting) and do the treadmill during the week. Now if I could just get my energy high enough to get on the treadmill!
I just saw the cutest idea! To welcome a baby home (once the parents are up for it of course) have a Hug and Chug! A party where people get to hug the baby and chug…whatever they choose! Love it!

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