Saturday, June 19, 2010

rings, pools, and the ice cream man

Hello all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Ours so far has been great! Last night, my friend Rachel from work got married. It was a beautiful wedding! Today, we got a few things checked off our wedding list. We bought our wedding bands!!!!

{not our actual rings}
They are plain white gold bands and we now have them! Big check! We also got a suit for Josh to wear at the wedding. Check! Well, I should say partial check b/c we are going to have to have it tailored, but we can do that, so check! Jon said he is going to get together with Dustin and go shopping for their suits sometime in the next couple of weeks. After that we went to Rockford for lunch to have a Father's Day lunch with Jon. Yes father's day is tomorrow, but Rockford is closed on Sunday's, so today it was! We went swimming this afternoon and took pictures with an underwater camera. I can't wait to see how they turn out! Josh and I had our very first ice cream from an ice cream truck! Growing up in the country, I didn't have an ice cream truck that came around. Josh doesn't either. We pulled into our driveway after swimming just as the ice cream man had pulled up the neighbors house! It was kismet! So we each got something off the ice cream truck! It played the creepy music and everything! They guys got ice cream sandwiches, and I got a rainbow push pop. Yum!

After that, Jon and I laid down for a nap. We woke up and we are still a bit tired! Josh went and laid down after we woke up b/c he had fallen asleep while playing on the living room floor! So cute! Tonight we are just hanging here at the house. I'm still tired even though I took a nap! Jon says he is too. Lazy us! ;) I think we'll just have some spaghetti and chill. All in all, I think I love today!

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