Friday, June 25, 2010

oh, sarah

Ok, so wanna here a funny story about me? Today I wake up and realize that I need to get gas before work. Crap! Running late, I grab my clothes, run to the bathroom and dump them on the floor. Then, I brush my teeth, get dressed and fly out the door. I get my gas and am ½ way to work when I realize that instead of the dress I was intending to wear over my jeans, I’m wearing my nightgown. Eesh. Luckily, it doesn’t look like a nightgown, so I am ok at work, but how embarrassing?!?! So that’s how my morning started. How was yours? Tonight we are going to a pool party at Dustin and Amber’s, woohoo! Should be a fun time! At least I have that to look forward to (and don’t worry, I’ll be changing out my nightgown when I get home). So ready for the weekend.

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