Wednesday, June 2, 2010

oh by the way...

Is anybody else really pissed of at BP? I mean, just fix the damn leak already! Stop killing innocent animals and ecosystems and take care of the problem you created! I’m not even going to get started on my views on off shore drilling (totally WRONG!!!!!!! I mean, hello! Does this not prove that it is a terrible idea!!!!!) Ugh, it just disgusts me how important money is to some people. I’m not saying money isn’t important to me in some ways. It pays my bills and I get to have a few luxuries that I enjoy. But it seems that money is the be all and end all for these oil companies. Can we find another way to fuel our cars and stick with it? I’d really like that. Screw the oil tycoons and their need to make another billion. Blech.
Sorry, I just had to get that bad taste out of my mouth.
Anywho, I love planning parties. I should make it a career (though I’m pretty sure you have to live in NY or LA to be an event planner, so it’s not really realistic). I just love planning parties! From the décor, to the food, to the activities, I love it! My kids are gonna have rocking birthday parties! Heck, I’m gonna have rocking parties! I’m already looking forward to Halloween so I can have a costume party, and Christmas b/c I want to have an ugly xmas sweater party. This summer I really want to have a beerfest. Also, I’m going to have a Friday the 13th b-day party for Jon. I hope we get the yard games off our registry, b/c then next summer I’m going to have a Rhoades Olympics! Oh and we could have a carnival themed party, and a soda shop themed party, and an Animal House/Frat themed party, and a black and white new years eve party, and a pretty in pink prom party (oh, everybody could wear 80’s prom dresses!), and a …hm I guess I could go on forever! I should really start a binder to hold all of my party ideas. Sigh. I love planning/throwing parties!

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