Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hello June!

First off, a note of utmost importance. I forgot to wish Kate a happy birthday! Yesterday she turned 21 and I forgot to say happy birthday!!!! so here is a big Happy Birthday to you Kate!!!

Secondly, a letter to June

Dear June,
Hello again old friend. I hope we get along this year. We have gotten off to a good start what with me getting to buy Alice in Wonderland today and getting to eat a delish scone at Target! Let's keep this up! I have things to look forward to with you for sure! I mean my birthday and my bachlorette party are this month! Not to mention that I already know you and I are going to go out with a bang, since Eclipse comes out on our last day together! So here's to our 2010 relationship!
Love Sarah

On to other news, I got Alice in Wonderland on dvd!!!! So excited!!!!

Lastly, I have a confession to make. I love scones!!! I have several recipes, but I have never attempted to make them. To be honest, attempting to make scones scares the bajesus out of me! I don't know why, it just does. Perhaps I should tackle my fear. One day.

No go enjoy your June 1st!

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