Wednesday, June 9, 2010

rants and raves

Warning: This post begins with a rant! But it does have a happy ending!
Last night Jon and I were talking about how crappy the entertainment world has become. Exibit A: when is the last time you saw a new movie with an original plot? There have been very few in the last few years! What is coming out lately has mostly been remakes! And what’s more, they are remakes of movies that should never have been remade! (Ex: Nightmare on Elm Street, Karate Kid, um…NO! The original’s can’t be beat!) Furthermore, have you looked at what’s supposed to come out soon? More remakes!!!! Ugh! Stop remaking movies that were amazing the first time around and make something new! Now I will stop to say that a few of the remakes have been quite good (Batman and Alice in Wonderland remakes were both wonderful. But then again, they took the story in a new direction so maybe that’s the trick.), but I’m talking overall here. Overall, NOT GOOD!
Exibit B: reality tv. Now I know a lot of people are into all those bachelor and dancing shows, but I personally can’t stand them. I’d give you the dancing one, except that I heard that now that one has become about the drama behind the scenes! All those reality shows (which aren’t reality by the way!) are all about drama! And that’s apparently what people like to watch! Why does the American public want more drama in their lives?!?! Do you not have enough going on in your life? And it’s not even good drama! It’s all petty drama of stupid people! Blech!
Exibit C: kids shows. What happened to all the good cartoons? What few cartoons there are now days (man I sound old, but its true!) are mindless! They don’t have a point! They’re just about being weird! Cartoons used to have lessons in them. Granted they were cleverly disguised so I didn’t know I was getting a lesson, but they had a point! There was a story line! Not today! They all seem to be about how obnoxious the characters can be! Not to mention, that there aren’t many cartoons around anymore. When did this tween epidemic start?!?! When did all the 8 year olds turn into tweens? I was happy watching Scooby Doo and Ducktales!
Ok so I really am sounding like an old person. Expect me to start yelling at kids to stay off my grass next!
Speaking of tv, I got a couple of tv show seasons on dvd for my birthday! I decided to use the money I got from my mom and dad to get a couple. I went to Target (where else?) and saw they had Perfect Strangers!!!! Do you remember that show! I loved it when I was little! So I got seasons 1 and 2 of that (they came together in one pack) and then I also go seasons 3 and 4 of Buffy (which also came together in one pack). I watched some of each last night. I love those shows! Of course, when it was storming really bad at 2:30am and I woke up, I kinda wished I hadn’t watched Buffy! I am a total scaredy cat! But that won’t stop me from watching it again tonight! Did anyone else have really bad storms last night? It was constant thunder and lightning for a good ½ hour where I am! I couldn’t fall asleep after that! It looks like it’s going to stay gloomy all day! Oh well, it just means I get to stay inside with my new dvds! Well I'm off, have a great hump day!

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