Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear 27 and fill in the blanks

Today is my last day as a 27 year old. Here is a letter to what was a great year.

Dear 27,

We’ve had a good run 27. I had my best year yet with you! I got engaged. I bought a house. I moved in with my fiancé (in said house). I planned my wedding and I made new friends! Jon, Josh, and I had many fun times together. We went to Huber’s twice: once to pick apples and once for the pumpkins and to enjoy all they had to offer. We spent our first Christmas as a family. Ok so we’re not legally a family yet, but it still counts. It hasn’t been all roses though. I did lose 2 of my ladies, Beatrice Arthur and Rue McClanahan. RIP my Golden Girls. We had a horrible scare with Zoey’s brain tumor. But then again, I did get to witness the miracle of her coming out of everything perfectly healthy. So that is a big positive in your favor. Yes overall it’s been a wonderful year. I will always look back to 27 as one of the biggest years of my life. So thank you 27. I will miss you.


And here is a Fill in the Blank Friday
1. My dream vacation would be my whole family together again for vacation. In my dream it would be in MI, but I’ll settle for anywhere. It’s been a long time since all of us were together for a vacation .

2. The best trip I've ever taken was our family vacations to my grandparents cabin in Michigan. It’s in the UP and it is so beautiful and peaceful there. I loved having my whole family together and having fun.

3. The most important items to take on a road trip are snacks, good music, and good company.

4. The next trip I'm looking forward to is taking Jon and Josh to Michigan. Since it’s my very favorite place, I can’t wait to share it with them .

5. If I had to pick one CD to listen to for a long road trip it would be a homemade mix! Jon and I love making mix cd’s for our roadtrips .

6. The biggest disaster I've ever encountered while traveling was when my family hit a deer on the way to TN. It completely shattered the windshield and we had to wait a few hours to get it fixed .

7. My favorite traveling memory is driving the 8-9 hours up to Michigan with my family. When I was little, we would always get snacks and my little sister and I would get new crayons, a new coloring book, and a book of paperdolls. It was magical .

Tonight, we are celebrating Kate’s 21st birthday! Woop! I have been so tired all day! I didn’t sleep well last night. I hope I can fit a nap in when I get home so I’ll be nice and awake and ready to party! Have a good Friday all!

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