Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday I love thee

Man, does anyone else out there love Buffy the Vampire Slayer?!?! I love this show!

And I really like lookin' at Angel. David Boreanaz is so yum. I choose to see Angel (of Booth from Bones) instead of a real life person.

I think I may be getting a bit obsessed with it really. I want to own every season!! I forgot how much I loved that show. In college, it was in syndication and there were 2 hours on in a row. They fell right between two of my classes. It was awesome!
Anywho, we just had a fantastic evening!! Dustin, Amber and Zoey came over for dinner. I hadn't seen them in so long! It was awesome to get together. Zoey looked great! We made kabobs! They turned out pretty darn good! Now Jon, Josh, and I are playing Mouse Trap.
In wedding news, we met with the photographer for the wedding today. She was so nice! Everything is set so we are good to go there. Now on to the super important wedding stuff. Does anyone know how many beer cups you should have for 125 people?

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