Sunday, June 27, 2010

ah sunday, how i love thee

Happy Gay Pride Day! Let's celebrate equality and acceptance shall we?!?!?!

Jon and I have been putting together our pre-ceremony cd with the music we are playing in the church prior to the ceremony. I think we've come up with a pretty good mix. We just have to run it by the pastor to get official approval. I've decided to have my bridal party walk down the aisle to a version of All You Need is Love by the Vitamin String Quartet (instrumental) and I'm walking down to a version of the Bridal March by Jonathan Cain. He's the keyboardist for Journey, and he has a pretty cool version of the Bridal March. You can get it free on his site! Next weekend we are going to sit down and do the invitations. Jon is going to hook up the printer and get it running this week. Hopefully by next weekend we will be set to start printing! I can't believe the wedding is less than 3 months away!!!
We have been active lazy today. We did laundry, put together our ceremony cd, and put together a bunch of stuff to sell in a garage sale. Jon's grandma is having a garage sale and told us to get what we don't want together to sell. We cleaned out our books and movies of ones we had duplicates of or didn't care for. Maybe some stuff will sell. We'll see.
This week is going to be busy. Tuesday, Jon and I meet with the pastor again. Wednesday, I have dinner with Rachel S(highschool Rachel). Friday night is Zoey's birthday party and Saturday is a 4th of July party at Dustin and Ambers! Yeesh! Sunday, I think Jon, Josh, and I are going to set off some small fireworks at home and chill out.
I don't know where this weekend has gone! It flew by! I think we should lobby for 3 day weekend all the time. It would be so lovely. At least we get a 3 day this coming weekend. Yea!
Oh and by the way...

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