Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy first day of summer

Happy first day of summer everyone! It sure feels like summer here in IN! We have thunder storms, humidity and highs in the 90s! I could do with out the heat really, I am almost looking forward to fall just b/c of the temps! Oh who am I kidding, I’m looking forward to fall for way more reasons. My wedding and Halloween being the two huge fall events I’m really excited about this year! But for now, it is summa summatime! Anywho, I hate Mondays. Back to work and a whole 5 days until I see Jon. There is nothing fun about that. NOTHING!
In other news, I am thinking about having a small pseudo bachelorette party in mid July. As many of you know, Amber (my MOH) was unable to come to my big bachelorette party due to Zoey’s surgery (Zoey is doing great by the by!). Also, Kate (David’s lady) was unable to come due to the fact that she doesn’t like country musack. So, I’m thinking of doing a Twilight themed party with a little specially shaped stuff thrown in (to give it that bach party flair) and having them over. I think it could be lots o fun! My ideas so far? Red velvet cupcakes, red colored drinks with blood type labels, Italian food, lots of alcohol, and Twilight and New Moon in the dvd player! I’m coming up with more ideas by the day. I can’ wait! I need to get planning!
Have I ever mentioned on here that I have a love affair with Disney? Well I do! My favorite movie is Alice in Wonderland and I have a lifelong dream of going to Disneyland so I can ride the teacups (not to mention a full on Alice in Wonderland ride!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!! Someday I will go there!!!! I just love that Disney is all about using your imagination and embracing your childhood! Peter Pan is a close second for favorite cartoon and who doesn’t love The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, ok so I could name all of them (except Dumbo! *shudder*) and say I love them all! I do! Love Disney! I’ve been to Disney world and enjoyed it, but didn’t feel like I had enough time to experience it fully. I would like to go back there one day too. But seriously, the teacups and I have a date in the future. I don’t care if they do make me throw up! Darn motion sickness. I will still ride those teacups!
Man I am so off kilter today! So many random thoughts in this noggin! Now I really want to plan our Halloween party, which is so way ahead of myself! Although, what with the wedding in sept, maybe it’s a good idea to get a bit of it planned ahead of time. Hm…I think that’s a loophole!

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