Tuesday, June 8, 2010

lala tuesday

It’s hard to describe yourself accurately. At least it is for me. I feel like I fit into so many categories that it’s hard to describe myself accurately. If I had to try, I’d say I’m an old soul with the heart of Peter Pan. I am a liberal who believes in the death penalty. I am a mellow yellow mixed with 8 shots of espresso. I am a girly girl who walks around her yard with bare feet. I am a bundle of contradictions. The other part that makes describing yourself hard is picking out what is important to mention and what isn’t. what does my love of diet coke and the golden girls say about me? Would I give more away by saying that I like watching my fiancé play resident evil and I have a small (ok medium…ok XXXL) obsession with Twilight and Harry Potter and I get really REALLY annoyed when parents don’t make their kids take responsibility for their actions? I think most people stick to the basics when describing themselves. They give their race, where they’re from, their age, their political affiliation, etc. Very black and white answers. But that doesn’t really tell us anything about them. B/c nobody is really that black and white. We’re all complicated (why’d you have to go and make things so complicated….anyone? oh come on its Avril Lavigne!) Anywho, not really sure what this little rant is about. And now I’m over it so I’m moving on.
I picked up the Hallmark Dreambook whilst getting a b-day card for my niece. I know, I know, it’s only June Sarah!Wwhy are you looking at Christmas ornaments?!?!? B/c they start selling them in July that’s why! OMG! Have I not mentioned my love of Hallmark here before?! Well I love it. I stick pretty much to hallmark cards, unless it’s an emergency. Also, I love their ornaments! I’m no fool, I know they are crazy overpriced, but I love them! This year, I plan on buying a Twilight ornament, and Alice in Wonderland ornament, and two mini ornaments that come together, Han Solo in carbonite (sp?) and Boba Fett ornaments. There are so many more that I want, but I try to limit myself to just 2 or 3 each year and I try to make them relevant to what went on the year leading up the Christmas. I don’t always succeed and now that I have Jon to consider when purchasing my ornaments it’s even harder! I always get a Star Wars ornament so that Josh will have a bunch when he gets his own place (won’t his future wife just love me! Although, I love the Star Wars ornaments, so maybe she’ll be like me!) Actulaly, many of the SW ornaments I’ve gotten don’t go on the tree, but decorate Jon’s desk instead. We may need to get a small tree and use them on it in Josh’s room since his room is Star Wars themed. Hm…..
On a completely different note, I really like tattoos. I’ve loved them as long as I can remember. I distinctly remember when I was 12 wanting to get a tattoo and my eyebrow pierced. The piercing faded from my want, but I always wanted a tat. I like tattoos on other people in any shape or form. A lot or a little, I just like them! I think they say something about who you are. For me personally, I don’t plan on having many tattoos. I got my first, and to date only tattoo in college. I had found a star that I loved several years before, and I always knew my first tattoo would be on my lower back. I love it. I have never regretted getting it! Now, I really want another tattoo. Actually I want two. I’ve always wanted a Gemini sign (that’s what I’ve wanted since I was 12) and several years ago I found a small heart that I’ve wanted ever since. If it didn’t matter and I could get them anywhere, I’d get them on the insides of my feet, right under the bone where they meet my ankle. I am way too chicken to get them there thought b/c A. I’ve heard it hurts a LOT to get a tat on your feet and B. my parents would see them and they freaked out enough when I got one on my back and C. I promised myself I’d never get a tat where I couldn’t hide it in the summer time. I thought about getting the heart over my left rib cage that way I could hide it when I wanted but I’d still know it’s there. I kinda wanted to get it for the wedding. I still don’t have a place for the Gemini sign. I’m very peculiar about knowing exactly what and where I want a tat so that I won’t regret it later. I’ve had the heart and the place picked for almost 3 years now, so I’m thinking I may go through with it. Hmmm. I also always liked the idea of getting a tat that symbolizes your kids’ births. I like Angelina Jolie’s and Victoria Beckham’s that they have for their kids. Now that I have Josh in my life, I’m not sure how I would work that. I would want to recognize him in some way as well as any kids Jon and I have together. We only plan on having one, so it wouldn’t be too much. Another thing to thing about. Anywho, since I mentioned it, here are my personal rules for tats.
1. must be able to hide it in the summer. This includes swim suits! (to be honest, if I didn’t have to work ever again, I may stray from this one a bit. I love small tasteful wrist tattoos! And of course, the feet.)
2. no names or initials!!!!
3. must have decided on what and where for at least 2 years before getting said tat

totally random post. oh well, have a lovely tuesday evening my internet pepes!

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