Tuesday, June 15, 2010

sicky, random, and storms

Yesterday I was sick. Josh had a stomach issue this weekend and I’m thinking I caught it from him. I didn’t feel great yesterday morning and came home from work. I puked once and then I was fine. So weird. Today I’m much better though!
I’m almost finished rereading New Moon. My sister took Eclipse with her on vacation to read, so I’ll have to wait to reread it until she gets back on Thursday. I’ll be able to finish before June 30th. Oh I’m so excited!!! I probably won’t see it opening weekend b/c it’s July 4th weekend and we have a lot going on. I really hope to see it the next weekend though! While I’m waiting to get Eclipse back, I’m going to jump into Anne of Green Gables. I absolutely love the movies (seriously Anne and Gilbert were the Bella and Edward of my childhood!) I hope I like the book! I’m a little nervous going into it seeing how much I love the movies, but I’m going for it!
Oh! And this just in! Blue Oyster Cult is going to be a Rib Fest 2010!!! They’ll be there on Monday Sept 6th . I’m thinking we will be there, but seeing as its like 2 weeks before the wedding, I’m not making any concrete plans! I’d really like to see them though. Jon saw them a couple years ago and said they were great!
I got my bonus at work today! It’s already spent on wedding stuff, but it feels nice to see it in my account. Now I can start writing checks to our wedding vendors! Final payments coming up! Eek!
Also, can whoever ticked off mother nature apologize? These storms are never ending!

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