Tuesday, June 29, 2010

*sarah saunters through blogger*

Sometimes, things happen. You always knew they were going to happen, yet you still hoped they wouldn’t. But they do. Yea. That was sarcasm by the way. No further info given, just saying.
But on a happier note, I get to see Jon tonight! YEA!!!! (no sarcasm here!) We have our 3rd meeting with Pastor Joe for our premarital counseling. 1 more to go after tonight! I’m excited that I get to see Jon during the week. Even though he won’t stay late (we have Josh this week) it’s nice to get to see him for just a little while. And tomorrow, I get to have dinner with my high school Rachel! Oh and if you were wondering why I have to differentiate my Rachel’s, it’s b/c there are so many of them. Here is the list.
Rachel A (work)
Rachel G (sister)
Rachel S (high school friend)
Rachel S (Dan’s Rachel (FYI, Rachel A is also married to a Dan, so that adds to the confusion)
Rachel (Jon’s aunt Rachel)
See! Way too many Rachel’s, with same last initials or significant others with the same name! Anywho, I get to have dinner at Macaroni Grill with my high school Rachel! Yea!! (again, no sarcasm!) ah, well I’m up up and away!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

ah sunday, how i love thee

Happy Gay Pride Day! Let's celebrate equality and acceptance shall we?!?!?!

Jon and I have been putting together our pre-ceremony cd with the music we are playing in the church prior to the ceremony. I think we've come up with a pretty good mix. We just have to run it by the pastor to get official approval. I've decided to have my bridal party walk down the aisle to a version of All You Need is Love by the Vitamin String Quartet (instrumental) and I'm walking down to a version of the Bridal March by Jonathan Cain. He's the keyboardist for Journey, and he has a pretty cool version of the Bridal March. You can get it free on his site! Next weekend we are going to sit down and do the invitations. Jon is going to hook up the printer and get it running this week. Hopefully by next weekend we will be set to start printing! I can't believe the wedding is less than 3 months away!!!
We have been active lazy today. We did laundry, put together our ceremony cd, and put together a bunch of stuff to sell in a garage sale. Jon's grandma is having a garage sale and told us to get what we don't want together to sell. We cleaned out our books and movies of ones we had duplicates of or didn't care for. Maybe some stuff will sell. We'll see.
This week is going to be busy. Tuesday, Jon and I meet with the pastor again. Wednesday, I have dinner with Rachel S(highschool Rachel). Friday night is Zoey's birthday party and Saturday is a 4th of July party at Dustin and Ambers! Yeesh! Sunday, I think Jon, Josh, and I are going to set off some small fireworks at home and chill out.
I don't know where this weekend has gone! It flew by! I think we should lobby for 3 day weekend all the time. It would be so lovely. At least we get a 3 day this coming weekend. Yea!
Oh and by the way...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

doggy doo and the NES

hello internet lovlies! Today is a wonderful Saturday morning! and even though my neighbor decided to start out Saturday at 8:30am by revving his motorcycle, i bid him no ill will, though i did for a moment think of flaming doggy doo on the door step.
This morning, we took our personality profiles for our meeting with the pastor. apparently I am an individualist who is sensitive, narcissistic, creative, and completely insecure!!! Actually, I suppose, since it is supposed to be a personality quiz of you over your whole life, this fits me quite a lot. I think I've evolved into something more. Then we went to David's for breakfast. David, Kate, Jon and I ran to Granny Bee's to check out their movies, and ended up getting Super Team Games for the NES. We came home to play it and of all four of us couldn't finish the 1st race! Oh man. This is what old feels like! We are just going to hang out at the house this evening and chill. AH. It feels so good to have nothing to do.
It is hot here today! I'm looking forward to next week when the forecast is calling for temps in the 70's.
In totally other news, I'm super excited about my twilight themed mini bachelorette party! Kate and Amber have said they'll be there and I'm going to have so much fun planning the Twilight theme. Eclipse is next week! I won't see it until a couple weeks later, but still, so excited!

Friday, June 25, 2010

oh, sarah

Ok, so wanna here a funny story about me? Today I wake up and realize that I need to get gas before work. Crap! Running late, I grab my clothes, run to the bathroom and dump them on the floor. Then, I brush my teeth, get dressed and fly out the door. I get my gas and am ½ way to work when I realize that instead of the dress I was intending to wear over my jeans, I’m wearing my nightgown. Eesh. Luckily, it doesn’t look like a nightgown, so I am ok at work, but how embarrassing?!?! So that’s how my morning started. How was yours? Tonight we are going to a pool party at Dustin and Amber’s, woohoo! Should be a fun time! At least I have that to look forward to (and don’t worry, I’ll be changing out my nightgown when I get home). So ready for the weekend.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy first day of summer

Happy first day of summer everyone! It sure feels like summer here in IN! We have thunder storms, humidity and highs in the 90s! I could do with out the heat really, I am almost looking forward to fall just b/c of the temps! Oh who am I kidding, I’m looking forward to fall for way more reasons. My wedding and Halloween being the two huge fall events I’m really excited about this year! But for now, it is summa summatime! Anywho, I hate Mondays. Back to work and a whole 5 days until I see Jon. There is nothing fun about that. NOTHING!
In other news, I am thinking about having a small pseudo bachelorette party in mid July. As many of you know, Amber (my MOH) was unable to come to my big bachelorette party due to Zoey’s surgery (Zoey is doing great by the by!). Also, Kate (David’s lady) was unable to come due to the fact that she doesn’t like country musack. So, I’m thinking of doing a Twilight themed party with a little specially shaped stuff thrown in (to give it that bach party flair) and having them over. I think it could be lots o fun! My ideas so far? Red velvet cupcakes, red colored drinks with blood type labels, Italian food, lots of alcohol, and Twilight and New Moon in the dvd player! I’m coming up with more ideas by the day. I can’ wait! I need to get planning!
Have I ever mentioned on here that I have a love affair with Disney? Well I do! My favorite movie is Alice in Wonderland and I have a lifelong dream of going to Disneyland so I can ride the teacups (not to mention a full on Alice in Wonderland ride!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!! Someday I will go there!!!! I just love that Disney is all about using your imagination and embracing your childhood! Peter Pan is a close second for favorite cartoon and who doesn’t love The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, ok so I could name all of them (except Dumbo! *shudder*) and say I love them all! I do! Love Disney! I’ve been to Disney world and enjoyed it, but didn’t feel like I had enough time to experience it fully. I would like to go back there one day too. But seriously, the teacups and I have a date in the future. I don’t care if they do make me throw up! Darn motion sickness. I will still ride those teacups!
Man I am so off kilter today! So many random thoughts in this noggin! Now I really want to plan our Halloween party, which is so way ahead of myself! Although, what with the wedding in sept, maybe it’s a good idea to get a bit of it planned ahead of time. Hm…I think that’s a loophole!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! I hope all you father's out there have a great one! This morning, we slept in a bit, then got up and cleaned the office. We got started on the bedroom, then took a break for lunch. It was a disaster! I had decided to make shrimp on the grill and mushroom pasta. The shrimp didn't turn out well, kind of rubbery and bland, and the pasta had no flavor even though I added spices and stuff. Then I tried to make chocolate chip cookies, and burnt them! I have totally failed at cooking today! Sigh. And I wanted to have this great dinner for Jon for father's day. Oh well. There's always next year I suppose.
We are going to spend the rest of the day lazing about. Sound fantastic doesn't it? I just hate that I have to go back to Indy tonight. One day I'll be able to actually live at home. Well I'm off to enjoy what's left of my Sunday!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

rings, pools, and the ice cream man

Hello all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Ours so far has been great! Last night, my friend Rachel from work got married. It was a beautiful wedding! Today, we got a few things checked off our wedding list. We bought our wedding bands!!!!

{not our actual rings}
They are plain white gold bands and we now have them! Big check! We also got a suit for Josh to wear at the wedding. Check! Well, I should say partial check b/c we are going to have to have it tailored, but we can do that, so check! Jon said he is going to get together with Dustin and go shopping for their suits sometime in the next couple of weeks. After that we went to Rockford for lunch to have a Father's Day lunch with Jon. Yes father's day is tomorrow, but Rockford is closed on Sunday's, so today it was! We went swimming this afternoon and took pictures with an underwater camera. I can't wait to see how they turn out! Josh and I had our very first ice cream from an ice cream truck! Growing up in the country, I didn't have an ice cream truck that came around. Josh doesn't either. We pulled into our driveway after swimming just as the ice cream man had pulled up the neighbors house! It was kismet! So we each got something off the ice cream truck! It played the creepy music and everything! They guys got ice cream sandwiches, and I got a rainbow push pop. Yum!

After that, Jon and I laid down for a nap. We woke up and we are still a bit tired! Josh went and laid down after we woke up b/c he had fallen asleep while playing on the living room floor! So cute! Tonight we are just hanging here at the house. I'm still tired even though I took a nap! Jon says he is too. Lazy us! ;) I think we'll just have some spaghetti and chill. All in all, I think I love today!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

thankful thrusday and tidbits

Things I am thankful for:
Blue skies
Lush green trees
My amazing fiancé Jon
My incredible family
My cats
Burt’s bee’s chap stick
New recipes to try
That it’s summer!
Ranch dressing
Grilled food
My mother-in-laws swimming pool

Ah Thursday. The day before Friday. We have a wedding tomorrow night (Congrats Rachel and Dan!!!) so that should be fun! This weekend I am trying my hand at grilling shrimp, per Jon’s request. Wish me luck! I’ve never done seafood before!! I also plan on swimming as much as possible this weekend. I’m so glad Jon’s mom has a pool! It’s just wonderful to be able to go over and jump in on a 90 degree day! Not to mention that it is a fantastic workout! If I could swim everyday I would. I love swimming!
I have been eating a lot of salad this week. The problem I have is dressing. I really don’t like fat free dressing! I love ranch, but of course it’s really bad for you! I try not to use very much, but does anyone out there know of a low fat or fat free ranch that tastes edible? I didn’t think so. Sigh. Everything in moderation a suppose. And yum for tomatoes! I could eat them at every meal! I find that when I add them to my salad, I don’t use as much dressing, so yea for that too!
I’m really going to try and get healthy! I need to make myself commit to exercising! I don’t care so much about losing weight anymore as I care about just being healthy. My plan is to swim on the weekends (weather permitting) and do the treadmill during the week. Now if I could just get my energy high enough to get on the treadmill!
I just saw the cutest idea! To welcome a baby home (once the parents are up for it of course) have a Hug and Chug! A party where people get to hug the baby and chug…whatever they choose! Love it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

it's diet coke day

I have loved planning my wedding. I love looking at all the pretty wedding sights out there and seeing all of the ideas! It’s really made me love party planning, and I’m actually planning on taking some of the things I’ve seen for weddings and using them on a small scale to have parties at my house! However, I decided to list my 3 favorite ideas that I’ve found about weddings/showers/bachelorette parties/etc.
1. a stock the bar shower/bachelorette party
I’m not really into lingerie, so it made no sense to have one of those parties, but my sisters wanted to have some kind of theme for a party before my bachelorette party. I decided to ask for a stock the bar party. Your guests bring their favorite alchohol/wine/beer or bar accessories and they stock your bar! It was a hit at my pre-bachlorette party bash!
2. a bachelorette party at a concert
I’m not a bar person, so I didn’t want to do the whole bar hopping bach party. My sister had gone to a concert for her bach party, and I followed suit. It was a blast! You still get to drink, people still congratulate you, and you get to enjoy a banging concert!
3. making the wedding yours aka the details
Let’s face it, your wedding is not about you. Oh you think it is, until everybody else gets involved. It’s still your day, but you have to take other people’s wants and needs into consideration. Also, it is your parents day to give you away and celebrate you getting married as much as it is your day to marry your one and only. One way I decided to take my day and make it mine was with personal touches. It doesn’t have to be a lot. The cake topper, the programs, the invites. These are all ways to put you back into your wedding. For instance, we are having a Star Wars cake topper and our programs are made to look like a comic book. It put the us back into our wedding day.

On my wedding checklist for this weekend is to finalize the invites and the guest list and work on getting all the addresses for our guest list. Then I need to make a list of stuff left to get and get it. Beer cups here I come! I’ve decided I really need to start assigning myself wedding checks for each week and complete them. I don’t want to be a week out and have too much to do!
I started reading Anne of Green Gables, and I love it!!!! It definitely does not disappoint!! I always loved the movie and now I love the books! Yea! I must admit, I don’t know if I would have liked the book so much if I hadn’t seen the movie first. Anne is awfully talkative and some of her dialogue can be a little long winded. So my rec in this situation would be to see the movie, then read the book. That way, when you read the book you can remember everything you love about the movie and that will enhance the reading of the book!
Last night I went to Target and got a couple things. I got a hot pink 8x8 scrapbook to put my bachelorette party in. I can’t wait to get the photos back and get started on it! I also got a second wedding photo album to give to the photographer. I had one and needed another one to hold all of our proofs. Lastly and my personal favorite, I got a photo album for home. I ran out of room in my last one ages ago and hadn’t gotten a new one. I am totally in love with the one I got! It’s a bit hard to describe, but it is green leather on the outside and wraps up a bit like a journal. It holds 100 pictures, and it’s just gorgeous! Having slept on it, I’m going to go back and get a few more. I would love to have them as a set. I already know where I am going to put them too! Don’t worry, pictures will be coming!!!

“Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it.” - Anne Shirley – Anne of Green Gables

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

sicky, random, and storms

Yesterday I was sick. Josh had a stomach issue this weekend and I’m thinking I caught it from him. I didn’t feel great yesterday morning and came home from work. I puked once and then I was fine. So weird. Today I’m much better though!
I’m almost finished rereading New Moon. My sister took Eclipse with her on vacation to read, so I’ll have to wait to reread it until she gets back on Thursday. I’ll be able to finish before June 30th. Oh I’m so excited!!! I probably won’t see it opening weekend b/c it’s July 4th weekend and we have a lot going on. I really hope to see it the next weekend though! While I’m waiting to get Eclipse back, I’m going to jump into Anne of Green Gables. I absolutely love the movies (seriously Anne and Gilbert were the Bella and Edward of my childhood!) I hope I like the book! I’m a little nervous going into it seeing how much I love the movies, but I’m going for it!
Oh! And this just in! Blue Oyster Cult is going to be a Rib Fest 2010!!! They’ll be there on Monday Sept 6th . I’m thinking we will be there, but seeing as its like 2 weeks before the wedding, I’m not making any concrete plans! I’d really like to see them though. Jon saw them a couple years ago and said they were great!
I got my bonus at work today! It’s already spent on wedding stuff, but it feels nice to see it in my account. Now I can start writing checks to our wedding vendors! Final payments coming up! Eek!
Also, can whoever ticked off mother nature apologize? These storms are never ending!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday I love thee

Man, does anyone else out there love Buffy the Vampire Slayer?!?! I love this show!

And I really like lookin' at Angel. David Boreanaz is so yum. I choose to see Angel (of Booth from Bones) instead of a real life person.

I think I may be getting a bit obsessed with it really. I want to own every season!! I forgot how much I loved that show. In college, it was in syndication and there were 2 hours on in a row. They fell right between two of my classes. It was awesome!
Anywho, we just had a fantastic evening!! Dustin, Amber and Zoey came over for dinner. I hadn't seen them in so long! It was awesome to get together. Zoey looked great! We made kabobs! They turned out pretty darn good! Now Jon, Josh, and I are playing Mouse Trap.
In wedding news, we met with the photographer for the wedding today. She was so nice! Everything is set so we are good to go there. Now on to the super important wedding stuff. Does anyone know how many beer cups you should have for 125 people?

Friday, June 11, 2010

anybody got a cool vampire they can share?

Lawdy it’s hot out there! I just want to jump in a big swimming pool! Or curl up next to an icy vampire! We are fast approaching the moment of Eclipse!!! I really want to have a Twilight party and then go to see the movie. I just think it would be so much fun! I’ve found a ton of great ideas online! One place to look is http://www.allthingsthrifty.com/. She has some t-shirt iron-ons that are really cute! She also is just a great furniture repurposer, er just check out her site, she does some amazing stuff! Also, http://www.hostessblog.com/ is a great resource with a lot of things you can print and use. I would totally use the blood type bottle labels! And I love the idea of giving guests a bottle of Twilight lotion from Bath and Body Works! Sigh I just love Twilight!
Moving on to less teenage things, I am so happy that it’s Friday! We meet with our photographer for the wedding tomorrow, so wish us luck! I think Dustin and Amber might come over tomorrow night and I am so YEA! It’s been way too long since I’ve seen them!!! That’s really all my news as of late, so I’m heading out! Have a great Friday night everyone!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

rants and raves

Warning: This post begins with a rant! But it does have a happy ending!
Last night Jon and I were talking about how crappy the entertainment world has become. Exibit A: when is the last time you saw a new movie with an original plot? There have been very few in the last few years! What is coming out lately has mostly been remakes! And what’s more, they are remakes of movies that should never have been remade! (Ex: Nightmare on Elm Street, Karate Kid, um…NO! The original’s can’t be beat!) Furthermore, have you looked at what’s supposed to come out soon? More remakes!!!! Ugh! Stop remaking movies that were amazing the first time around and make something new! Now I will stop to say that a few of the remakes have been quite good (Batman and Alice in Wonderland remakes were both wonderful. But then again, they took the story in a new direction so maybe that’s the trick.), but I’m talking overall here. Overall, NOT GOOD!
Exibit B: reality tv. Now I know a lot of people are into all those bachelor and dancing shows, but I personally can’t stand them. I’d give you the dancing one, except that I heard that now that one has become about the drama behind the scenes! All those reality shows (which aren’t reality by the way!) are all about drama! And that’s apparently what people like to watch! Why does the American public want more drama in their lives?!?! Do you not have enough going on in your life? And it’s not even good drama! It’s all petty drama of stupid people! Blech!
Exibit C: kids shows. What happened to all the good cartoons? What few cartoons there are now days (man I sound old, but its true!) are mindless! They don’t have a point! They’re just about being weird! Cartoons used to have lessons in them. Granted they were cleverly disguised so I didn’t know I was getting a lesson, but they had a point! There was a story line! Not today! They all seem to be about how obnoxious the characters can be! Not to mention, that there aren’t many cartoons around anymore. When did this tween epidemic start?!?! When did all the 8 year olds turn into tweens? I was happy watching Scooby Doo and Ducktales!
Ok so I really am sounding like an old person. Expect me to start yelling at kids to stay off my grass next!
Speaking of tv, I got a couple of tv show seasons on dvd for my birthday! I decided to use the money I got from my mom and dad to get a couple. I went to Target (where else?) and saw they had Perfect Strangers!!!! Do you remember that show! I loved it when I was little! So I got seasons 1 and 2 of that (they came together in one pack) and then I also go seasons 3 and 4 of Buffy (which also came together in one pack). I watched some of each last night. I love those shows! Of course, when it was storming really bad at 2:30am and I woke up, I kinda wished I hadn’t watched Buffy! I am a total scaredy cat! But that won’t stop me from watching it again tonight! Did anyone else have really bad storms last night? It was constant thunder and lightning for a good ½ hour where I am! I couldn’t fall asleep after that! It looks like it’s going to stay gloomy all day! Oh well, it just means I get to stay inside with my new dvds! Well I'm off, have a great hump day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

lala tuesday

It’s hard to describe yourself accurately. At least it is for me. I feel like I fit into so many categories that it’s hard to describe myself accurately. If I had to try, I’d say I’m an old soul with the heart of Peter Pan. I am a liberal who believes in the death penalty. I am a mellow yellow mixed with 8 shots of espresso. I am a girly girl who walks around her yard with bare feet. I am a bundle of contradictions. The other part that makes describing yourself hard is picking out what is important to mention and what isn’t. what does my love of diet coke and the golden girls say about me? Would I give more away by saying that I like watching my fiancé play resident evil and I have a small (ok medium…ok XXXL) obsession with Twilight and Harry Potter and I get really REALLY annoyed when parents don’t make their kids take responsibility for their actions? I think most people stick to the basics when describing themselves. They give their race, where they’re from, their age, their political affiliation, etc. Very black and white answers. But that doesn’t really tell us anything about them. B/c nobody is really that black and white. We’re all complicated (why’d you have to go and make things so complicated….anyone? oh come on its Avril Lavigne!) Anywho, not really sure what this little rant is about. And now I’m over it so I’m moving on.
I picked up the Hallmark Dreambook whilst getting a b-day card for my niece. I know, I know, it’s only June Sarah!Wwhy are you looking at Christmas ornaments?!?!? B/c they start selling them in July that’s why! OMG! Have I not mentioned my love of Hallmark here before?! Well I love it. I stick pretty much to hallmark cards, unless it’s an emergency. Also, I love their ornaments! I’m no fool, I know they are crazy overpriced, but I love them! This year, I plan on buying a Twilight ornament, and Alice in Wonderland ornament, and two mini ornaments that come together, Han Solo in carbonite (sp?) and Boba Fett ornaments. There are so many more that I want, but I try to limit myself to just 2 or 3 each year and I try to make them relevant to what went on the year leading up the Christmas. I don’t always succeed and now that I have Jon to consider when purchasing my ornaments it’s even harder! I always get a Star Wars ornament so that Josh will have a bunch when he gets his own place (won’t his future wife just love me! Although, I love the Star Wars ornaments, so maybe she’ll be like me!) Actulaly, many of the SW ornaments I’ve gotten don’t go on the tree, but decorate Jon’s desk instead. We may need to get a small tree and use them on it in Josh’s room since his room is Star Wars themed. Hm…..
On a completely different note, I really like tattoos. I’ve loved them as long as I can remember. I distinctly remember when I was 12 wanting to get a tattoo and my eyebrow pierced. The piercing faded from my want, but I always wanted a tat. I like tattoos on other people in any shape or form. A lot or a little, I just like them! I think they say something about who you are. For me personally, I don’t plan on having many tattoos. I got my first, and to date only tattoo in college. I had found a star that I loved several years before, and I always knew my first tattoo would be on my lower back. I love it. I have never regretted getting it! Now, I really want another tattoo. Actually I want two. I’ve always wanted a Gemini sign (that’s what I’ve wanted since I was 12) and several years ago I found a small heart that I’ve wanted ever since. If it didn’t matter and I could get them anywhere, I’d get them on the insides of my feet, right under the bone where they meet my ankle. I am way too chicken to get them there thought b/c A. I’ve heard it hurts a LOT to get a tat on your feet and B. my parents would see them and they freaked out enough when I got one on my back and C. I promised myself I’d never get a tat where I couldn’t hide it in the summer time. I thought about getting the heart over my left rib cage that way I could hide it when I wanted but I’d still know it’s there. I kinda wanted to get it for the wedding. I still don’t have a place for the Gemini sign. I’m very peculiar about knowing exactly what and where I want a tat so that I won’t regret it later. I’ve had the heart and the place picked for almost 3 years now, so I’m thinking I may go through with it. Hmmm. I also always liked the idea of getting a tat that symbolizes your kids’ births. I like Angelina Jolie’s and Victoria Beckham’s that they have for their kids. Now that I have Josh in my life, I’m not sure how I would work that. I would want to recognize him in some way as well as any kids Jon and I have together. We only plan on having one, so it wouldn’t be too much. Another thing to thing about. Anywho, since I mentioned it, here are my personal rules for tats.
1. must be able to hide it in the summer. This includes swim suits! (to be honest, if I didn’t have to work ever again, I may stray from this one a bit. I love small tasteful wrist tattoos! And of course, the feet.)
2. no names or initials!!!!
3. must have decided on what and where for at least 2 years before getting said tat

totally random post. oh well, have a lovely tuesday evening my internet pepes!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh What a Night!

I had the best time last night! My bachlorette party was awesome! Thanks to my sisters who put it all together and my mom who was the DD for us! Brad Paisley was awesome! Here are some of the highlights! Pictures will come at a later date.

A couple guys eating my candy penis necklace straight off my neck.
A few girls eating my penis candy bracelet off my wrist.
Andrea wearing a lampshade for a hat and becoming famous! Everybody wanted a picture with her! It was awesome!
Rachel having a Lindsey Lohan moment at the end of the night.
Getting to use the VIP parking and bathrooms.
Every other person stopping me to congratulate me.

It really was an amazing night! I can't believe my bachlorette party is over! We got tons of great pictures! My sisters were so sweet and really made it my kind of party! I absolutely loved it! I really feel blessed to have them! Also, before the concert, we met at my sister Kelly's house and they had food and a stock the bar party for me! I got lots of wine and liquor. I also got some scrapbooking stuff and some games off of our registry! I can definitely say this will go down as one of my best nights ever! Well I'm off to recuperate some more. Have a good one!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

happy birthday to me!

Dear 28

I have high hopes for you! You are the year I get married! You have started off quite well with my bachlorette party, so we are off to a good start. I hope we can get along and have a great year!


Happy Birthday to me! I am 28 today! Last night we went to the Funky Monkey and celebrated Kate's 21st birthday. It was good times. I got quite inebriated on a specialty drink the bartender made. This morning, 28 started off right by me not being hungover! Tonight is my bachlorette party!!!! We are seeing Brad Paisley at Verizon and I am gonna have a blast! Woop! So I'm off to have my fun!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dear 27 and fill in the blanks

Today is my last day as a 27 year old. Here is a letter to what was a great year.

Dear 27,

We’ve had a good run 27. I had my best year yet with you! I got engaged. I bought a house. I moved in with my fiancé (in said house). I planned my wedding and I made new friends! Jon, Josh, and I had many fun times together. We went to Huber’s twice: once to pick apples and once for the pumpkins and to enjoy all they had to offer. We spent our first Christmas as a family. Ok so we’re not legally a family yet, but it still counts. It hasn’t been all roses though. I did lose 2 of my ladies, Beatrice Arthur and Rue McClanahan. RIP my Golden Girls. We had a horrible scare with Zoey’s brain tumor. But then again, I did get to witness the miracle of her coming out of everything perfectly healthy. So that is a big positive in your favor. Yes overall it’s been a wonderful year. I will always look back to 27 as one of the biggest years of my life. So thank you 27. I will miss you.


And here is a Fill in the Blank Friday
1. My dream vacation would be my whole family together again for vacation. In my dream it would be in MI, but I’ll settle for anywhere. It’s been a long time since all of us were together for a vacation .

2. The best trip I've ever taken was our family vacations to my grandparents cabin in Michigan. It’s in the UP and it is so beautiful and peaceful there. I loved having my whole family together and having fun.

3. The most important items to take on a road trip are snacks, good music, and good company.

4. The next trip I'm looking forward to is taking Jon and Josh to Michigan. Since it’s my very favorite place, I can’t wait to share it with them .

5. If I had to pick one CD to listen to for a long road trip it would be a homemade mix! Jon and I love making mix cd’s for our roadtrips .

6. The biggest disaster I've ever encountered while traveling was when my family hit a deer on the way to TN. It completely shattered the windshield and we had to wait a few hours to get it fixed .

7. My favorite traveling memory is driving the 8-9 hours up to Michigan with my family. When I was little, we would always get snacks and my little sister and I would get new crayons, a new coloring book, and a book of paperdolls. It was magical .

Tonight, we are celebrating Kate’s 21st birthday! Woop! I have been so tired all day! I didn’t sleep well last night. I hope I can fit a nap in when I get home so I’ll be nice and awake and ready to party! Have a good Friday all!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

RIP Rue McClanahan

wedding...what wedding?

At this very moment I am
Watching: golden girls, bewitched, twilight, alice in wonderland
Reading: harry potter, twilight, ann of green gables
Listening: coconut records, she and him,
Cooking: meat on the grill!!!
Wanting: a never ending weekend! But I’d have to get paid for it ;)
Promising: to try and keep my sanity and stay nice to those helping me with my wedding

Oh the last 3 ½ months before the wedding are upon us! Eek! So I’m getting things together and making lists like a mad woman! I realize I have 3 ½ months left, but I really don’t want to be a last minute person! Way too much stress! I took an extra day off over Labor Day weekend, so I’ll have 4 days a few weeks prior to the wedding to check off all my lists and have everything ready to go! (and breathe sigh of relief. Now start acting like a crazed chicken without a head again!)
I realized today that I should probably have a bag on hand the day of with emergency items. I’m going to make one big bag for me and my ladies (bm’s, sisters, moms) and here is what I’m going to include:
Safety pins
Bobby pins
Clear nail polish
Face blotting papers
Tide stick
Band aids
Dental floss
Needle and thread
Bottles of water
Granola bars/some snack item
Eye drops
Hand lotion
Static cling spray or dryer sheets
Phone numbers for all our pepe’s

Anything else you all can think of?
Then I realized that I’m going to need to pack clothes and normal everyday stuff to live for the weekend! It would be just like me to forget deodorant or my toothbrush! Thank goodness I don’t have to pack for a honeymoon! All this last minute stuff is starting to make me hyperventilate! Anyone out there have recommendations for what I absolutely can’t forget?! Other than the obvious like the dress! I’m making list after list to try and help me not forget anything.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

oh by the way...

Is anybody else really pissed of at BP? I mean, just fix the damn leak already! Stop killing innocent animals and ecosystems and take care of the problem you created! I’m not even going to get started on my views on off shore drilling (totally WRONG!!!!!!! I mean, hello! Does this not prove that it is a terrible idea!!!!!) Ugh, it just disgusts me how important money is to some people. I’m not saying money isn’t important to me in some ways. It pays my bills and I get to have a few luxuries that I enjoy. But it seems that money is the be all and end all for these oil companies. Can we find another way to fuel our cars and stick with it? I’d really like that. Screw the oil tycoons and their need to make another billion. Blech.
Sorry, I just had to get that bad taste out of my mouth.
Anywho, I love planning parties. I should make it a career (though I’m pretty sure you have to live in NY or LA to be an event planner, so it’s not really realistic). I just love planning parties! From the décor, to the food, to the activities, I love it! My kids are gonna have rocking birthday parties! Heck, I’m gonna have rocking parties! I’m already looking forward to Halloween so I can have a costume party, and Christmas b/c I want to have an ugly xmas sweater party. This summer I really want to have a beerfest. Also, I’m going to have a Friday the 13th b-day party for Jon. I hope we get the yard games off our registry, b/c then next summer I’m going to have a Rhoades Olympics! Oh and we could have a carnival themed party, and a soda shop themed party, and an Animal House/Frat themed party, and a black and white new years eve party, and a pretty in pink prom party (oh, everybody could wear 80’s prom dresses!), and a …hm I guess I could go on forever! I should really start a binder to hold all of my party ideas. Sigh. I love planning/throwing parties!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hello June!

First off, a note of utmost importance. I forgot to wish Kate a happy birthday! Yesterday she turned 21 and I forgot to say happy birthday!!!! so here is a big Happy Birthday to you Kate!!!

Secondly, a letter to June

Dear June,
Hello again old friend. I hope we get along this year. We have gotten off to a good start what with me getting to buy Alice in Wonderland today and getting to eat a delish scone at Target! Let's keep this up! I have things to look forward to with you for sure! I mean my birthday and my bachlorette party are this month! Not to mention that I already know you and I are going to go out with a bang, since Eclipse comes out on our last day together! So here's to our 2010 relationship!
Love Sarah

On to other news, I got Alice in Wonderland on dvd!!!! So excited!!!!

Lastly, I have a confession to make. I love scones!!! I have several recipes, but I have never attempted to make them. To be honest, attempting to make scones scares the bajesus out of me! I don't know why, it just does. Perhaps I should tackle my fear. One day.

No go enjoy your June 1st!