Sunday, July 25, 2010

Twilight party a success! it's still morning! Last night was so much fun! Amber, Kate, and I went to see Eclipse! It was awesome!!! I'm so team Edward. I can't wait for the next two movies!!! After the movie, we went to have dinner at Applebee's. Then we came back to our place and started the drinking! Amber had had a pina colada made with banana flavored rum and wanted to try them, so we made them. I had the bright idea to add part ice and part vanilla ice cream. OhMyGosh!!! They were amazing!!!! Seriously, if you ever feel the need to make pina coladas, and you should, sub some of the ice with vanilla ice cream!!! We watched 9 to 5 and just hung out talking and drinking and such. It was so much fun! Amber and Kate got to know each other better and we all had fun!!! At about 10pm, the boys came back over and all of us got even more inebriated! They made fun of our penis shaped straws, but we didn't care! Ah, good times! Well I'm off to do some recuperating! Have a good Sunday!

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