Thursday, July 15, 2010

*peaks into blog*

I swear I’ve not forgotten about you! I’ve just been in such a funk this week! But now I’m back to my regularly scheduled programming! So for today, I found a new blog to read, and she does Wee Bit of Me Wednesdays! So here is mine, albeit, a day late!

{one} do you believe in ghosts?
Oh my YES!

{two} are you more of a talker or more of a listener?
I think it depends on who I’m with, but overall, I think I tend to be a talker. But I can listen well too!

{three} would you rather get up early or sleep late?
Sleep late! Sadly, my internal clock now has me waking up by 8 weather I like it or not.

{four} if you could instantly become an expert at one type of dance, what type would you choose?
Tap! I took a tap class when I was little and I remember loving it!

{five} what's your favorite drink?
acoholic: diet coke with parrot bay. nonalcoholic: diet coke, although I’m really trying to give that up! So I’ll say iced tea!

{six} if your house caught fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
Can I assume that my family and pets are already outside the house?! I’ll say yes. In that case, I would grab my purse (which contains all my essentials like my cell phone, keys, etc), my photo albums (I can count those as one right?!?!), and my scrapbooks. Hm…come to think of it I don’t think I could carry all that…

{seven} if you could only visit one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
Hm….i’m going to go with Chili’s (generic I know) b/c they have a variety and they are in close to home!

{eight} who inspires you the most?
Nature. I love the beauty of it.

{nine} if you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?
betty white, dick van dyke, and either jennifer aniston or drew Barrymore. I can’t decide between those last two.

{ten} sneakers or sandals?
Sandals! I like my feet to be free!

Also in my world, I have spiked quite a high fever. Baby fever that is! No worries mom, I’m not even close to actually wanting one right now. Well actually I do want one right now, but luckily I’m logical enough to recognize that I don’t want one right now. Make sense?
Wedding stuff is coming right along! Jon got his suit this week. This weekend, we are ordering his chucks online b/c the local stores never seem to have any in his size. Also, we are going to print our invites this weekend and hopefully have them mailed by next weekend.
Speaking of wedding, I’ve heard of a lot of ladies getting a post wedding chop with their hair. I’ve totally been on this bandwagon, but now I’m torn between wanting to chop my hair or perm it. I know, I’ve said the dreaded p word!!! However, I’ve permed my hair before and really like it. So now I’m torn. What to do?!?!
I love planning parties! It would totally be my dream job to plan and execute parties and make scrapbooks for people! Ohmygosh I would die! Anywho, I am done with the luau b-day party I’m having for Jon’s b-day in August, except the food which I will obviously do the day of. I’m also done planning the mini-bachelorette/Twilight party I’m having next weekend. Can’t wait! I’m on to Halloween now. I know I know, I’m totally ahead of myself, but once I get on a roll I can’t stop! It hasn’t helped that I’m totally ready for fall either! Anywho, this will be our first time hosting a Halloween party and we are going to go all out! I can’t wait!!! I’ve already thought of a theme for Jon’s b-day next year! Fiesta! Oh there will be all things fiesta including a piñata and lots o margaritas! I’ve also decided that maybe I’m going to throw myself a b-day bash next year. We shall see! Oh and I want to have an ugly Xmas sweater party this year! Oh yes I do! I think I’m becoming obsessed with party planning! You should seriously see my list of parties to have! It’s getting out of control! Maybe I’ll post the list on here! Sigh.
This weekend, we are meeting with the Pastor who will officiate our ceremony. Since we are going to be up there during fair week, we’re going to have lunch at the fair and then see my niece and nephews pigs. I love the fair. Did you know I am a 10 year 4-her?!?! Well I am! I took pigs for all my 10 years!
And now i'm off...oink!

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