Tuesday, July 27, 2010

random lovelies

Ah the smell of Tuesday. I’m feeling much better today that I was Sunday or Monday. I just can’t party like I used to! Anywho, yesterday I went to Target and may have gotten myself a few things. I kept finding stuff on clearance! I got myself 2 hats, 1 ring, 2 bottles of nail polish and 2 pair of underwear! I’d post pic’s, but alas my computer is bunk so I’m not posting from it. I can’t wait to get a new computer. Oh and while at Target, I also saw that they are getting ready to switch shoes from summer to fall/winter!!!!! I can’t wait!! I am so ready for boot season!! And for fun, I’ve been dreaming of what I’d like to do to my kitchen some day. I would love to rip out all the cabinets and start over! I would add a window to the outside wall and put the sink under it. I would put cabinets on the bottom. On the top, I would have a mix of open shelving and cabinets with glass doors. Sigh. A girl can dream. Anywho, I’ve not much else to say except to go to this blog: http://www.whitewaxflower.com/
Ohmygod is it amazing! Her style is just…amazing!!! Have a lovely day

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