Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my first wedding nightmare and other anecdotes

My brain has been somewhere else lately. I have totally forgotten to mention what a sweetie Jon has been! He bought me the Eclipse soundtrack, (which is amazing by the way!) and a beautiful bouquet of flowers! I came home Friday and he said that he thought I’d like some flowers to decorate for my Twilight party! Isn’t he the sweetest! Sigh. I can’t wait to marry this man!
Ok enough mush! Back to the Eclipse soundtrack, Jon got me the extended edition and I love it!! I have not been disappointed in any of the Twilight Saga soundtracks. They all have such a great mix of music! In fact, all 3 of them are in my cd player now!
Is anyone else getting excited about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1?!?!?!? November 19th people!! I will so be seeing this in the theatre! There are only 2 movies that I must see in the theatre, any Twilight movie or any HP movie!! Sigh. I can’t believe HP is almost over! Just 2 more movies and then…nothing! I’m rereading the books right now and I still love them! I rmember the first time I read them. I was on vacation in MI and wanted some books to read, so when we went to the store, I bought the first 4 books and read them all in like a week! I couldn’t put them down! I actually need to get another copy of the Goblet of Fire b/c mind is falling apart.
In less geeky news (oh who am I kidding, I’m all geek!) I had my first wedding nightmare last night. It was awful! We were in the wrong church, my dress was a red 80’s prom dress style and there were no programs, bubbles, or anything! My hideous dress was too big so my mom was fixing it an hour before the wedding and suddenly, I couldn’t get my dad out of the bathroom! Then, Bruce Willis showed up and ate all the food! So disturbing! So now I’m frantic trying to remember if I’ve forgotten anything!

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