Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fair cookies and pigs

Yea for today! We got up early and went up to Monticello to meet with Pastor Jim. We went over our ceremony and gave him our music. We are a go for everything as of now. We stopped by the fair while we were up there and I got to eat a fair cookie. *drool* So good! Josh came with us and we saw my niece's and nephew's pigs. I really miss pigs. They're so cute! After the fair, Josh went to swim at their house while we had our meeting. All in all it was a brief, but nice trip. We are going to have to plan an overnight trip sometime after the wedding. Tonight we are going to bake chocolate chip cookies and watch Yogi's Great Escape. Does anyone else miss good old cartoons like Yogi the Bear? Hanna-Barbera had the best cartoons! Ah the good old days. Man I sound so old!
Anywho, we are in the midst of cleaning the kitchen and getting ready to chillax! Sorry this is such a short post. I'm out living up my weekend!

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