Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th of July everyone!! I hope you have wonderful plans of cooking out and fireworks. First on the agenda, a huge Happy Birthday to my mother in law to be Sonnie!

Happy Birthday Sonnie!!!!!!

Oh what a weekend it has been so far! Friday night was Zoey's birthday party. She had such a good time! She got a new play kitchen and she had a ball playing with it! She looked so cute with her pigtails!!
Last night, we had our 4th of July celebration. We went out to Dustin and Amber's for a cook out. Dan and Rachel came too! We swam in the pool and then watched fireworks while still in the pool! It's really the only way to watch fireworks! D&A's neighbor made his own fireworks this year and they were awesome! It was like watching a town's fireworks! It was quite a show! It was so funny, during the fireworks, Josh turns to Jon and says "Man, those are so big, it's like America won the war!" We both cracked up laughing. We told him we did win the war! That's how we got our independence as a country and that is why we celebrate the 4th of July! It was funny but at the same time, shouldn't an 8 year old know that already if he's being taught correctly at school? I don't remember when I learned what the fourth of July was, but I feel like by the age of 8, I had already learned that it was about our independence as a country. I asked Josh why we celebrated the 4th of July, and he could only come up with the fact that we do it so we can watch fireworks, b/c we won the war. He didn't know what war, and he didn't realize that winning the war meant we were free. Maybe I'm expecting too much from the education of an 8 year old. I still have serious doubts about our public school systems, but maybe we learn that in Jr. High and not grade school. I certainly hope so.
Today, we are going to just chill at home. Josh goes back to his mom's today, so we are taking it easy. I think tonight, we may be able to see Seymour's fireworks from our house. If we can, we'll probably sit outside and watch them.
I'm so pumped that i don't have to go to work tomorrow!!!! I love having an extra day at home!
So far, everybody is coming to Jon's birthday party! I'm really having a lot of fun planning it! A luau is such a fun theme. You can do so much with the food and decorations. I'm thinking of doing a "signature" drink for that night. Something tropical to go with the theme.
I'm also having fun planning my Twilight mini bachelorette party! Yea! I almost have everything for it, so I should be good to go when it gets here!
Next Saturday, we are making the trip up to Monticello to meet with the pastor who will be officiating our ceremony. We already picked the vows we want and our music for the ceremony. We will be going over the ceremony stuff in depth when we meet and he will have to approve our music. I'm ready to have everything set so that will be a big huge monster of a CHECK! Oh and speaking of checks, I am so frustrated about our invites! Both of our computers have crapped out and we don't know how we are going to print them! We really need to get them printed so we can send them out! I know we need to get a new computer that actually works but I was hoping to wait until after the wedding to spend that much money. I don't think we have a choice anymore. Grrrr. Stupid technology. Well, I'm going to go spend the rest of this holiday with the family! Have a good one!

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