Thursday, July 22, 2010

total randomness, but still awesomeness

Projects I need to complete…er….start
1. hang necklaces in a painted picture frame on the wall
2. put hair flowers in a pretty cup or votive candle holder for storage. Instant bouquet!
3. devise a better system for storing my scrapbook supplies
4. move our stove into the kitchen (don’t even ask!!!!)
5. Jon and I paint a canvas and hang over our bed
6. the kitchen. Man that one’s going to be a huge project. Maybe after the wedding…
7. scrapbook my bachelorette parties

Jon and I were talking about what we wanted to do on our honeymoon, and I think we are going to complete project #5. I had mentioned it to him a while back and he liked the idea. So that is something we are planning on doing on our honeymoon! Woop! I’m starting to get nervous about the weather for our wedding day. I’m starting to try to bargain with Mother Nature! Please give us 70 degrees and a nice breeze, but no rain?!?!?! More likely, it’ll be in the 90’s and humid as all get out. I guess I just need to accept that Mother Nature will do as she pleases.
Ok so totally random and so not needed right now, but baby names have been on my mind! Jon never likes any of mine, so I suppose it’s good we talk about this already. We have years to settle on something! I like Penny Elizabeth, Lucy Elizabeth, Isabella Jane, or Riley Elizabeth for a girl. Ok really, I could think of 100 girl names I like, but those are in my top right now. I really want Elizabeth for a middle name for a girl and Jon is cool with that. It’s the first name he doesn’t like. I think he’s just terrified he’ll have a daughter some day! For a boy I like Milo. I like other boy names, but that is the one I’m in love with right now. Jon really likes a specific middle name, but I’m not allowed to tell anyone what it is! It sounds good with Milo though. See, I’m using my baby fever in a constructive way that doesn’t result in an actual baby! Just think of names!!!
In wedding news, we are mailing our invites this weekend!
If you are into party planning at all, you must go to ! Total Awesomeness!
And since I missed this yesterday, here is my wee bit of Wednesday on Thursday!
{one} if you could go on a road trip anywhere with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?
I’d take Jon and go on a roadtrip across the country. I’d want to see as much as I could!
{two} if you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
Jon, duh!.
{three} what's your earliest memory?
No one believes that this is a real memory, but I know it is. I was in a car accident with my mom and little sister when I was 2. I remember waking up and trying to wake my mom up. I don’t remember anything after that.
{four} what's the best advice you've ever received?
Very cliché, but be yourself. It really is true.
{five} if you could have an endless supply of food, what would you get?
Mushrooms!! I could eat them all the time. But if we are talking about a brand name of food…hm…
{six} would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor?
I wouldn’t want to be famous, but it I had to choose, I’d say an actor. I love to sing, but I don’t know that I could perform onstage…in front of people….
{seven} if you could be a star athlete in any sport, which would you choose?
Bwahaha! Sorry, just funny picturing me as an athlete! I’d pick swimming.
{eight} if you were offered the job of u.s. president, would you take it?
Oh my. I’m going to say yes, but I doubt people would like my ideas! I’m strictly a by the people for the people kind of person. I think we should pole the people and base our decisions on what they want and need.
{nine} would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to breathe underwater?
Oh that’s a tough one! Fly I guess. At least that way I wouldn’t have to deal with driving.
{ten} what music are you listening to today?
Bob and tom during my morning drive and the Eclipse soundtrack on my way home!.

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