Tuesday, July 6, 2010

how many beer cups?

I miss fall. I know I know I should enjoy summer while I’m in it b/c all too soon I will be wishing for it to be here again! And I am enjoying my summer! But with the blistering heat we’re getting this summer, most definitely miss fall. I can’t wait for Halloween and crisp cool weather. Orange and red leaves and back to school shopping (ok so I don’t back to school shop, but I do shop for fall fashions!). Apple picking and cider. Visits to Huber’s to pick pumpkins and get apple wine. Jumping in a big pile of leaves. Thanksgiving and the smell of chimney smoke. Sigh. I could go on forever. Oh how I love fall.
But back to summer! I hope everyone is having a tolerable day back to work after the holiday. Sunday night, David and Kate came over to hang out and have dinner. Very low key and laid back. I love nights like that. Yesterday, we stayed inside all day and did nothing. Well I did laundry…and cooked. Actually we tried the fried pizza recipe I posted about. It was ok. Not something we would have bery often. Jon rated it a 6 out of 10. I think we are too traditional with our pizza, hehe. Speaking of recipes, I also made the fajita soup I posted a recipe of. I like it, but I think next time I will use real chicken and fry in Mexican seasonings ahead of time. The meatballs just didn’t go with the soup. Jon loved it though! Of course, he loves any of my soups! J
I’ve been watching My So-Called Life on itunes and….I totally love that show. Why did they cancel it after only one season, WHY?!?!?! Cruel tv networks. I also got Buffy season 2 on dvd, so my week will probably be spent watching that. I’m really getting into my older favorites. I plan on watching through all of Friends next.
In wedding news, we are getting down to the nitty gritty! 2 ½ months! Blargh! How did that happen?!?! Luckily, I think we have almost everything we’ll need. We still need to get utensils, beer cups, etc but those aren’t very fun. That’s probably why I’ve been putting off getting them. Does anyone know how many beer cups one should have for a wedding with approximately 125 guests? Anyone?
So I was thinking about centerpieces and how ridicualous it is to spend so much money on them. I haven’t been able to decide on anything cheap and have just been frustrated. Then I figured out why. They are matchy matchy! Well, the ones I’ve been thinking of would be the same on every table. Jon and I are not matchy matchy people, so why should our centerpieces be? So I decided to mix it up. Some will have mirrors, some will have scrapbook paper, etc. I’m actually pretty excited about this idea!
And what is awesome about today? It’s Tuesday and not Monday. That is awesome.

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