Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekend Happenings

What a weekend! Yesterday consisted of an early trip to Walmart and Home Depot followed by planting a tomato plant, mowing the lawn, spraying the outside of the house for bugs, and lunch on the patio. Jon and I took a nap after that which was lovely! Mother Nature has not been kind to me this week and I needed the extra sleep. After that, we went to see Jon's dad b/c it was his birthday (Happy 48th!) and meet the new puppy, Kaiser! He is so cute!

We then made a quick stop at David and Kate's, then headed home. Today, Jon did things around the house and visited Dustin and Amber while I went up to Indy for the Mutt Strut. I didn't end up walking (thank you mother nature) b/c I just feel icky! I'm not sick, just allergies and other stuff. I did manage to get some really cute pictures of Grayson!

Plus, I got in some quality snuggle time. Ok just one more picture!

Now I'm home and contemplating a nap. I am so flippin' tired!!! No, I shouldn't. Anyway, we are staying in tonight and doing very little. And maybe taking a nap.

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