Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom out there!  I went up to Indy to see my mom and have lunch.  My niece had planned quite a bit of fun for her mom, my sister Becky!  We cut out decorations and hung them on the wall.  We got pizza for lunch and 2 big cookies and a cake for desert!  We had a good time and I got to snuggle Grayson!

I got home and Jon had got me a rose, Josh had made me a card, and my in-laws had got me lilies for mother's day!  i love being a step-mom!  I didn't grow him in my belly, but I grew him in my heart!

Tonight I am making my chicken meatball soup (recipe link below) and we're just going to relax!  In completely silly news, I overcame my fear of eyelash curlers!  Long story short, I was scared to use them b/c I once ripped out 1/2 my eyelashes while using one.  I decided it was silly not to use one b/c of one little mishap, so I got an e.l.f one (only a dollar!) and have been using it!  It really does make a difference in the way my eyes look.  

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