Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bibbity Bobbity Boo

My oh my.  I heart 3 day weekends!  Yesterday, Jon took me shopping (since my b-day is next week)!  I'll be filming and posting haul videos on my youtube channel soon.  After a morning of shopping, we dropped!  We spent the afternoon at home hanging out with Zach, then we hit the hay at 9 pm!  Crazy!  I can't believe we went to bed so early, but considering we slept through the entire night, I guess we needed it!  Today I got up early and did the weekly grocery shopping.  Today I've been doing laundry (never-ending it is!!) and we've just been lazing about in the house.  It is way too hot to be outside without a pool to jump into!  Tonight, we'll probably watch a movie or something.  Really nothing much going on here!  Tomorrow we are supposed to go out shooting (target pratice!) and then host dinner night with the bro's and kate.  Should be fun!  I wish all weekends were three days!  I hope everybody has an awesome Memorial Day!

On a sad note, Goomba is no more.  Our fish apparently didn't even make it a week.  He died sometime Friday night.  RIP Goomba, RIP.

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