Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th!  It's the only one in 2011!  Therefore, we obviously have to watch the original Friday the 13th!  Last night we went to Thirsty Thursday at Jon's mom's house and had so much fun!  We just hung around talking and eating.  Then, Phil gave me my first gun!  I just have to go get my permit now!  He gave me a 357 magnum!  It's beautiful!  I can't believe Phil just gave it to me!  I also got a new cd from Kate that I can't wait to check out!  The band is....  Kate saw them at a bar and got their cd.  She loved them so I'm sure they're good!  I'll let you know!
Oh and we got new slip covers!  I haven't got pic's yet, but they are so much better than our old ones!  They are a light tan/dark cream color and they really brighten up our living room!
I got to meet baby Brooklyn!  She is gorgeous!  I can't wait to take pictures of her!  Zoey is the best big sister too!  Lots of kisses and smiles in that house right now!  We spent this evening there and had a great time!  Now it's home and movie time!  Night all!

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