Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

do you watch the history 
channel? if so, what's 
your favorite program?
Sometimes, but usually when my husband makes me. ;)

what is your favorite thing 
to do on a rainy day?
Make soup and read a book.

what does your dream 
house look like?
Walk in closet, garden tub, lots of trees, a big kitchen, lots of windows, my family inside.

what state were you born in?

do you have a change jar?
if so, what do you use 
it for when it gets full?
I don't carry cash usually, but my hubs has one.  He uses it to by games and fun stuff.

what's the first website you look
at when you get on the computer?

what is your favorite breakfast?
Couldn't choose!  I love it all!  Cereal, pancakes, eggs, waffles, bacon, sausage...yum!

what's the most memorable 
trip you've ever taken?
Hm..tough one.  Probably going to DC with my class in 8th grade.  So fun!
do you prefer your coffee 
black or with cream/milk/sugar?
Flavored creamer only!

have you ever done a 
professional photo shoot?
Senior pictures and family photos.

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