Monday, May 9, 2011

today's happenings in bullet points

  • Check out the awesome new blog I found!  So cute and lots of DIY!
  • I'm going to be taking senior pic's of my little brother Zach.  I'm trying to think of poses.  Any ideas?
  • It has been gorgeous today! in the 80's, breezy, with lots of sunshine It's supposed to be nice all week, so let's hope the forecast sticks!
  • My cat is snoring on the love seat.  Like human mama like cat!
  • I should be doing laundry.  Oh well.
  • Work was work.  Nuff said.
  • Blogger is still trippin'.  FIX IT PEOPLE!  I want my old working blogger back!
  • Oh and Amber is in labor!  Hopefully we'll be meeting little Brooklyn soon!

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