Thursday, April 28, 2011

EW EW EW!!!!

I was practically attacked by the nastiest bug I have ever seen! I was home for lunch and saw the nasty culprit in my kitchen sink! I screamed in terror and then doused it in really hot water for like 5 minutes and thought I killed it. Apparently it was still alive when Jon got home, so he killed it. After some googling, which deeply disturbed my already very strong fear of bugs, I determined that we have house centipedes. I won't scar you with a picture (mainly b/c I'm scared to look it up again), but if you google house centipede, you will find them. They look like a cross between a spider, a worm, and the devil and are apparently very difficult to kill. *SHUDDER* I'm afraid to go to bed! This weekend we are not only bug bombing the house, but we will be spraying bug stuff on the outside and setting sticky traps. Blargh! I will kill these bugs if it kills me!

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