Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fiddle Faddle

Hi all!  I have been having such a good weekend!  Very chill and relaxed.  So far I have done a crap ton of laundry, so there's that!  Last night we pretty much hung out at home.  It was so nice out we spent the evening outside until it got dark.  That's when the mosquitoes attack.  Anyway, Josh got a new game and wanted to play.  I went to bed early. Today I went grocery shopping then we cleaned house.  Jon mowed the lawn, Josh did dishes, I did a lot more laundry and cleaned the bathtub.  Other assorted chores were completed.  We hung at home for lunch and this afternoon went and saw Jon's Dad and Michelle.  Kaiser is getting so big!


So cute!  After that we went and got a fish!  He lives in a tank that hangs on the wall and his name is Goomba.

Sorry for the crap pictures, I'm using my ipod.  I try my camera tomorrow to see if it will work.  Fingers crossed!  Tonight we watched The Legend of Drunken Master.  I love me some Jackie Chan in his hey day!  So that's what we've been up to.  Pretty boring.  Now I must go do even more laundry (it seriously NEVER ENDS!) so tata pepes!

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