Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

what profession have you always admired?
Stay at home mom's.  Yes it's a job, yes I want it.  

what would the title of your memoir/
biography be if it was written today?
Figuring it Out:  Life and Stuff

how far do you commute to work?
A blessed 5 minutes!  (don't hate)

are your earlobes attached or detached?

do you eat the unpopped kernels of 
popcorn at the bottom of the bag?
Um, no that's gross.

what is the strangest 
gift you've ever received?
Um...I can't think of anything!
what is one tv show that you 
wish hadn't been cancelled?

what is something that you 
are saving money for right now?
The future ;)

what hobby would you like to take up?
Sewing.  I have the machine, now I just have to get to it!

how many times a year 
do you get really dressed up?
Define really?  Probably once a year if the occasion calls for it, I suppose.

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