Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yesterday was such a good day!  Too bad I feel like crap today b/c of it!  Anywho, here is a pic of miss Brooklyn!

Isn't she precious!  Ok so back to Yesterday.  To start, I had been working on the Build a Meal project for my work.  Build a Meal is basically where businesses build something out of cans of food and then people bring in food products to vote on their favorite ones.  All the food gets donated and whatnot and the winners get trophies.  Anywho I had been working on it with my team from where I work and yesterday I had to go be there for a bit.  We built a piggy bank.

Isn't she cute?  We didn't win, but it was for a good cause and that's what counts!  After that I ran to Walmart and did my grocery shopping as well as picked up some fabric to make a tutu for the newborn pic's I'm taking of Brooklyn and I also got some furry fabric that I think will do well as a background for newborn pics.  I also got some really thick yarn to make a yarn wreath.  Except I forgot the wreath, so I'll have to go get one!
Oh and I did something a little funky with my makeup yesterday and wore some colorful liner.  I liked the change, but it's definitely an every once in a while thing.  And yes I know my eyebrows look atrocious.

Sarah's gonna et her craft on!  I also got Topeka a harness and leash so he can sit outside with us this summer.  He's never allowed out by himself, but he cries the ENTIRE time we are outside b/c he wants to be with us.  I decided I'm going to put him in the harness and tie him to a chair so he can't get away and that way he gets to be with us and I don't have to worry the whole time.  We tried it out yesterday and it went pretty well.
After that, Jon and I hung around at home and chillaxed.  We went to David and Kate's for dinner and ended up staying the night b/c we were pretty...well...drunk.  Yep.  I'm totally paying for it today, but ya know, I had such a good time last night!  We are getting to know some pretty awesome people and of course, we get to hang out with the brothers and Kate!  But man alive I'm not gonna get to doing much today.  We actually got home around 7am, watched Jason Go's to Hell then fell back into bed and just got up at 12:30pm!  I'm making some chicken noodle soup for us to sip on, b/c we are both feeling rough.  Now for the big sad news.  Tragedy befell our house this morning.  I couldn't find my camera and realized that I had left it OUTSIDE ALL NIGHT.  And it RAINED.  I am heartbroken.  We opened all the little doors and removed all the parts and dried it off and we are going to let it sit and dry out for a week and then see what happens.  It seems from the internet that is about all you can do and it is hit or miss as to whether it will work again.  I am just so mad at myself!  I shouldn't be allowed nice things!  If it doesn't work, Jon said I can get a new one since I have some people depending on me for pictures.  I just get sick thinking about spending all that money again.  Hopefully it will work again?  Sigh.  all we can do is wait and see.  So if you notice the pic quality lacking on here, that is why. I'm using my old point and shoot for the time being.
Here's a random pic from my instagram on my ipod.  don't know why, just putting in on here.

Lastly, I started a youtube channel, sarahnaescoop, to capture all of our life videos.  There is some beauty stuff on there as well, it's really just a catchall.  I have never been very successful at loading videos on blogger, and when I did they took HOURS to upload, so I'm trying youtube now. Maybe I can link from there faster.  If not, just check out my channel to see our going-ons.
Well I'm out people.  Gonna try to feel better.  Bye!


  1. they eyeliner looks so good! I could NEVER pull that off...

  2. Thanks! I never thought I could either, but I just went for it!
