Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!  I hope everyone had a good one!  We stayed in today on account of an upset stomach for Jon.  So I did some laundry, he did some dishes, and we puttered about around the house.  I did film several videos for our youtube channel, SarahNaeScoop, so check it out!  We also played quite a bit of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.  I love that game!  Well, really Jon plays and I watch, but that's the way "we" play games, lol.
Tonight, we hosted movie night so David, Kate, and Zach came over.  We watched Re-Animator.  Awful and gross.  We gave Kate her b-day present and ate a lot of food.  Anywho, now we're just chilling out and enjoying the last of our weekend!  I love three day weekends so.  Especially since I only have to work 4 days until the next weekend! Which is of course, the whole point of a three day weekend, so that was kind of redundant of me.  Lol, oh well.  So basically we spent the whole weekend lazing around home, but we did complete our chores, so all in all, I think we had quite a successful weekend.
And here is the only picture I took today.  Topeka looks a bit annoyed, no?
"No more flarking pictures mom!"

And a Second!

Vloggity Vlog

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bibbity Bobbity Boo

My oh my.  I heart 3 day weekends!  Yesterday, Jon took me shopping (since my b-day is next week)!  I'll be filming and posting haul videos on my youtube channel soon.  After a morning of shopping, we dropped!  We spent the afternoon at home hanging out with Zach, then we hit the hay at 9 pm!  Crazy!  I can't believe we went to bed so early, but considering we slept through the entire night, I guess we needed it!  Today I got up early and did the weekly grocery shopping.  Today I've been doing laundry (never-ending it is!!) and we've just been lazing about in the house.  It is way too hot to be outside without a pool to jump into!  Tonight, we'll probably watch a movie or something.  Really nothing much going on here!  Tomorrow we are supposed to go out shooting (target pratice!) and then host dinner night with the bro's and kate.  Should be fun!  I wish all weekends were three days!  I hope everybody has an awesome Memorial Day!

On a sad note, Goomba is no more.  Our fish apparently didn't even make it a week.  He died sometime Friday night.  RIP Goomba, RIP.

Lazy Day Playlist

Barton Hollow - The Civil Wars
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer
Alice - Avril Lavigne
Interlude - Christina Perry
Walking in the Air - George Winston
We Built This City - Starship
Love, Save the Empty - Erin M McCarley
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
Old Enough - the Raconteurs

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thirsty Thursday 05/26/2011

Thursday was our weekly Thirsty Thursday at Sonnie's house.  We had a slider cook-off!  Everybody concocted their own slider recipe and we had people vote for the winner!  Robert won, note his nifty beer mug winner's hat!  We're going to be having cook-offs more often and the hat will get passed around as different people win.  It's so fun!  Anyway, here's the pics.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a night in

ah tuesday.  better than monday, but still not close enough to friday.  i am spening my monday night in bed watching jurassic park with my kitty cat while my hub plays his game in the living room.  ah marriage.  for some reason i really don't feel like using capital letters, so i'm not.  and now i've been left alone with a webcam.  you should know better than that.  here is your entertainment for tonight.  enjoy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fiddle Faddle

Hi all!  I have been having such a good weekend!  Very chill and relaxed.  So far I have done a crap ton of laundry, so there's that!  Last night we pretty much hung out at home.  It was so nice out we spent the evening outside until it got dark.  That's when the mosquitoes attack.  Anyway, Josh got a new game and wanted to play.  I went to bed early. Today I went grocery shopping then we cleaned house.  Jon mowed the lawn, Josh did dishes, I did a lot more laundry and cleaned the bathtub.  Other assorted chores were completed.  We hung at home for lunch and this afternoon went and saw Jon's Dad and Michelle.  Kaiser is getting so big!


So cute!  After that we went and got a fish!  He lives in a tank that hangs on the wall and his name is Goomba.

Sorry for the crap pictures, I'm using my ipod.  I try my camera tomorrow to see if it will work.  Fingers crossed!  Tonight we watched The Legend of Drunken Master.  I love me some Jackie Chan in his hey day!  So that's what we've been up to.  Pretty boring.  Now I must go do even more laundry (it seriously NEVER ENDS!) so tata pepes!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stay Tuned

I have been battling some serious allergy/sinus issues.  Today I had to come home from work early b/c I had a migraine.  I slept the afternoon away and feel a bit better.  At least the migraine is gone.  I still feel all wonky and drained though.  Hopefully I will be back to my old self soon!

Pink Yink Ink Drink

From the Green Eggs and Ham Cookbook

1/4 pint fresh or 1/2 cup frozen blackberries
1 cup milk
6 fresh strawberries, tops removed
1 tsp honey

Puree blackberries and pour into the bottom of a glass.  Blend milk, strawberries and honey until smooth.  Carefully pour on top of blackberries.  Drink!

Makes 1 serving.

Better Than Sex Cake

1 box devil's food cake
1/2 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
6 oz caramel or hot fudge sauce
3 bars chocolate bar or cookies and cream candy bars, crushed
1 container whipped cream

Cook cake according to directions on box for a 9x13 pan.  Score the cake.
Combine milk and ice cream sauce of your choice and heat until mixed and smooth.  Pour over hot cake.  Sprinkle some of the candy bar over the sauce.  Cool completely.  Top with whipped cream and rest of candy bar.

The great thing about this cake is you can make it to your likings.  Use whatever ice cream topping and candy bar combo to make it your own!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

do you watch the history 
channel? if so, what's 
your favorite program?
Sometimes, but usually when my husband makes me. ;)

what is your favorite thing 
to do on a rainy day?
Make soup and read a book.

what does your dream 
house look like?
Walk in closet, garden tub, lots of trees, a big kitchen, lots of windows, my family inside.

what state were you born in?

do you have a change jar?
if so, what do you use 
it for when it gets full?
I don't carry cash usually, but my hubs has one.  He uses it to by games and fun stuff.

what's the first website you look
at when you get on the computer?

what is your favorite breakfast?
Couldn't choose!  I love it all!  Cereal, pancakes, eggs, waffles, bacon, sausage...yum!

what's the most memorable 
trip you've ever taken?
Hm..tough one.  Probably going to DC with my class in 8th grade.  So fun!
do you prefer your coffee 
black or with cream/milk/sugar?
Flavored creamer only!

have you ever done a 
professional photo shoot?
Senior pictures and family photos.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Super Easy Banana Bread

2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 egg
2 bananas, mashed
dash vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup veggie oil

Mix it all up and bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes.  Enjoy!  Next time, I'm gonna add some choco chips!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

what's in my purse


Yesterday was such a good day!  Too bad I feel like crap today b/c of it!  Anywho, here is a pic of miss Brooklyn!

Isn't she precious!  Ok so back to Yesterday.  To start, I had been working on the Build a Meal project for my work.  Build a Meal is basically where businesses build something out of cans of food and then people bring in food products to vote on their favorite ones.  All the food gets donated and whatnot and the winners get trophies.  Anywho I had been working on it with my team from where I work and yesterday I had to go be there for a bit.  We built a piggy bank.

Isn't she cute?  We didn't win, but it was for a good cause and that's what counts!  After that I ran to Walmart and did my grocery shopping as well as picked up some fabric to make a tutu for the newborn pic's I'm taking of Brooklyn and I also got some furry fabric that I think will do well as a background for newborn pics.  I also got some really thick yarn to make a yarn wreath.  Except I forgot the wreath, so I'll have to go get one!
Oh and I did something a little funky with my makeup yesterday and wore some colorful liner.  I liked the change, but it's definitely an every once in a while thing.  And yes I know my eyebrows look atrocious.

Sarah's gonna et her craft on!  I also got Topeka a harness and leash so he can sit outside with us this summer.  He's never allowed out by himself, but he cries the ENTIRE time we are outside b/c he wants to be with us.  I decided I'm going to put him in the harness and tie him to a chair so he can't get away and that way he gets to be with us and I don't have to worry the whole time.  We tried it out yesterday and it went pretty well.
After that, Jon and I hung around at home and chillaxed.  We went to David and Kate's for dinner and ended up staying the night b/c we were pretty...well...drunk.  Yep.  I'm totally paying for it today, but ya know, I had such a good time last night!  We are getting to know some pretty awesome people and of course, we get to hang out with the brothers and Kate!  But man alive I'm not gonna get to doing much today.  We actually got home around 7am, watched Jason Go's to Hell then fell back into bed and just got up at 12:30pm!  I'm making some chicken noodle soup for us to sip on, b/c we are both feeling rough.  Now for the big sad news.  Tragedy befell our house this morning.  I couldn't find my camera and realized that I had left it OUTSIDE ALL NIGHT.  And it RAINED.  I am heartbroken.  We opened all the little doors and removed all the parts and dried it off and we are going to let it sit and dry out for a week and then see what happens.  It seems from the internet that is about all you can do and it is hit or miss as to whether it will work again.  I am just so mad at myself!  I shouldn't be allowed nice things!  If it doesn't work, Jon said I can get a new one since I have some people depending on me for pictures.  I just get sick thinking about spending all that money again.  Hopefully it will work again?  Sigh.  all we can do is wait and see.  So if you notice the pic quality lacking on here, that is why. I'm using my old point and shoot for the time being.
Here's a random pic from my instagram on my ipod.  don't know why, just putting in on here.

Lastly, I started a youtube channel, sarahnaescoop, to capture all of our life videos.  There is some beauty stuff on there as well, it's really just a catchall.  I have never been very successful at loading videos on blogger, and when I did they took HOURS to upload, so I'm trying youtube now. Maybe I can link from there faster.  If not, just check out my channel to see our going-ons.
Well I'm out people.  Gonna try to feel better.  Bye!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Happy Friday the 13th!  It's the only one in 2011!  Therefore, we obviously have to watch the original Friday the 13th!  Last night we went to Thirsty Thursday at Jon's mom's house and had so much fun!  We just hung around talking and eating.  Then, Phil gave me my first gun!  I just have to go get my permit now!  He gave me a 357 magnum!  It's beautiful!  I can't believe Phil just gave it to me!  I also got a new cd from Kate that I can't wait to check out!  The band is....  Kate saw them at a bar and got their cd.  She loved them so I'm sure they're good!  I'll let you know!
Oh and we got new slip covers!  I haven't got pic's yet, but they are so much better than our old ones!  They are a light tan/dark cream color and they really brighten up our living room!
I got to meet baby Brooklyn!  She is gorgeous!  I can't wait to take pictures of her!  Zoey is the best big sister too!  Lots of kisses and smiles in that house right now!  We spent this evening there and had a great time!  Now it's home and movie time!  Night all!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

what profession have you always admired?
Stay at home mom's.  Yes it's a job, yes I want it.  

what would the title of your memoir/
biography be if it was written today?
Figuring it Out:  Life and Stuff

how far do you commute to work?
A blessed 5 minutes!  (don't hate)

are your earlobes attached or detached?

do you eat the unpopped kernels of 
popcorn at the bottom of the bag?
Um, no that's gross.

what is the strangest 
gift you've ever received?
Um...I can't think of anything!
what is one tv show that you 
wish hadn't been cancelled?

what is something that you 
are saving money for right now?
The future ;)

what hobby would you like to take up?
Sewing.  I have the machine, now I just have to get to it!

how many times a year 
do you get really dressed up?
Define really?  Probably once a year if the occasion calls for it, I suppose.


I have decided to overcome my fear of clowns.  This consists of watching  IT *shiver* and probably going to the circus when it comes to town.  Wish me luck.

This Friday is the only Friday the 13th of the year.  This calls for watching Friday the 13th fo sho.

Our new slipcovers came in and they are beautiful!

My cat is adorable.  Seriously.

I have officially seen all of the Star Trek movies with the original Star Trek cast.

Less than a month until my 29th birthday!

I am officially 2 days without diet coke!

If you haven't seen The Golden Child, you should.

Blogger is fixed!  I can see all the blogs I follow again!  Yea!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

“There’s nothing interesting about looking perfect – you lose the point. You want what you’re wearing to say something about you, about who you are.”  – Emma Watson

Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs and Ricotta Baked Rotini

I made this recipe up and Jon and I really liked it!  You can definitely sub any other type of meat in the meatballs, but we're trying to be pseudo healthy, plus I had ground turkey I needed to use!

Cheese Stuffed Turkey Meatballs and Ricotta Baked Rotini

for the pasta:
1 box whole wheat rotini
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 small tub ricotta cheese
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/4 cup grated fresh parmesan
1/4 cup grated fresh aged asiago

for the meatballs:

1 lb ground turkey
1 ball fresh mozzarella, cut into bite size pieces
1 tsp basil 
1 tsp oregano
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 egg

Preheat oven to 350.  Boil pasta.  Mix all other pasta ingredients except Parmesan and asiago. Pour into a 9x13 baking dish.  Top with Parmesan and asiago.  Bake 15 minutes.
Mix all meatball ingredients except mozzarella.  Roll about 1/4 cup meat mix into a ball.  Flatten and place a piece of mozzarella in the center.  seal the meat all the way around the cheese.  Repeat until all is used.  Bake 20 minutes. 
Serve the meatballs with the pasta and enjoy!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A few of the pic's from my shoot with my nephew Grayson!

She's Here!!!

Brooklyn Riley is here!  6 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long!  My bestie Amber and Jon's bestie Dustin just had there second daughter! She joins big sister Zoey, whom I've blogged about before! Hopefully after some rest, they'll be up for visitors and I can get some pic's!  I can't wait to meet her!

today's happenings in bullet points

  • Check out the awesome new blog I found!  So cute and lots of DIY!
  • I'm going to be taking senior pic's of my little brother Zach.  I'm trying to think of poses.  Any ideas?
  • It has been gorgeous today! in the 80's, breezy, with lots of sunshine It's supposed to be nice all week, so let's hope the forecast sticks!
  • My cat is snoring on the love seat.  Like human mama like cat!
  • I should be doing laundry.  Oh well.
  • Work was work.  Nuff said.
  • Blogger is still trippin'.  FIX IT PEOPLE!  I want my old working blogger back!
  • Oh and Amber is in labor!  Hopefully we'll be meeting little Brooklyn soon!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom out there!  I went up to Indy to see my mom and have lunch.  My niece had planned quite a bit of fun for her mom, my sister Becky!  We cut out decorations and hung them on the wall.  We got pizza for lunch and 2 big cookies and a cake for desert!  We had a good time and I got to snuggle Grayson!

I got home and Jon had got me a rose, Josh had made me a card, and my in-laws had got me lilies for mother's day!  i love being a step-mom!  I didn't grow him in my belly, but I grew him in my heart!

Tonight I am making my chicken meatball soup (recipe link below) and we're just going to relax!  In completely silly news, I overcame my fear of eyelash curlers!  Long story short, I was scared to use them b/c I once ripped out 1/2 my eyelashes while using one.  I decided it was silly not to use one b/c of one little mishap, so I got an e.l.f one (only a dollar!) and have been using it!  It really does make a difference in the way my eyes look.  

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Audrey Hepburn Said This

“For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you’ll find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives and the passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.”

Dark Berry Pie

I wanted to make a pie, so I did!  Here's the recipe!

Dark Berry Pie

3 pints blackberries
2 pints blueberries
1/2 cup sugar
3 tbsp corn starch
2 store bought pie crusts
2 tsp vanilla

Preheat the oven to 350.  Pour 2 pints of the blackberries and 1 pint of the blueberries in a bowl and add sugar, cornstarch, and vanilla.  Gently mash.  Add the rest of the berries and stir together.  Put one of the pie crusts in a pie pan.  Bake for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven.  Pour in the berry mix.  Top with the other pie crust and seal the edges.  Bake 45 minutes or until crust is golden brown.  Serve with vanilla ice cream!

Linda's Dip

Got this from a friend at work and it is yummy!

Addicting Sausage Dip

1 lb sausage - mild or hot, your choice
1 can rotel - mild or hot, your choice
1 1/2 blocks cream cheese

Brown your sausage and drain.  Put it back in the pan and add the rotel and cream cheese.  Warm and stir until all melted and mixed.  Serve with Frito's or tortilla chips.  Yummo!

Saturday 05/07/2011

Today I got some stuff!  I actually don't have anything that's probably super exciting to anybody else, but It was exciting to me!  My Walmart is officially carrying ground chicken again!  I am super psyched!  See, I used ground chicken in a lot of my recipes, and one of my soup recipes HAS to have ground chicken.  I'm kinda known for that recipe, so when I couldn't find ground chicken in town anywhere, I was so bummed!  I went to pick up some chicken tenders today and low and behold...GROUND CHICKEN!  I bought 5 lbs b/c that's how I roll.  I should have probably cleaned them out, but you can only freeze so much ground chicken!
I also finally found EOS lip balm!  I got the two flavors Walgreens had (Summer Fruits and Honeydew and something else Melon) and have been using them all day!

Next up I found the perfect mint green nail polish!  Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear in Mint Sorbet.  After 2 coats, it was totally opaque and pretty!

Holla! And yes, I am holding a banana!  It was my breakfast!

Just wanted to give you a pic of Bob Ross.  I love him so!  Watched him a little today.  If you haven't seen  The Joy of Painting, you need to ASAP!
We were going to go get a fish this morning, but decided that we really needed to get more done at home.  We are going to get the fish next time we have Josh.  Today was  spent cleaning and hanging out.  It is nice and gloomy again so inside activities were called for.  I did go this morning and renew my license plates, so that can be checked off the to do list!  I also managed to clean up all the laundry in the bedroom!  Yea! I have been watching a lot of Friends today while doing said laundry and can I just say that I LOVE this show!!!  LOVE!  I also filmed a what's in my purse video, but for some reason, blogger won't upload any of my videos!  Is this a widespread problem?!  Blogger is so messed up right now and it's really frustrating!  Anywho, I'm off to make meatloaf and a pie!  Night all!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Christina Perri's album Lovestrong comes out on Tuesday!  WOOOOOOOP!!!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A New Look

I got bored tonight and decided to change my blog's look.  I think it's more clean and streamlined looking.  Thoughts?

the life and times of Thursday

Ok, is anybody else having issues with blogger since they updated?  all the blogs i follow disappeared!  WTF!!!  Also, it's running super slow, not to mention I'm not sure I like the new look.  I suppose I just need to get used to it.  But I really want my blogs back!  I checked the help and it looks like a lot of people are having this problem!  FIX IT BLOGGER!  Wow, that sounded really angry and demaning.  I'll add a PLEASE!  There that looks nicer.

In other news, the sun came out today!  It was actually nice out!

Work was crazy, as it has been this whole week.  I am beyond happy that tomorrow is Friday.
My cat has started chasing his tale.  Normally this is a dog thing, but considering he already fetches and greats me at the door when I get home from work, I suppose he's a bit dog like already.

I made dinner and it was decent.  The recipe?  Put 1 lb chicken tenders, 1/2 head cabbage, chopped, and 3/4 bottle Panda Express Orange Sauce in the crockpot and cook on low or 5-6 hours.  Eat.  Like I said, it was ok, I've had better.  But it was a nice change!

I have been having crazy weird dreams lately!  Perhaps this is yet another reason I haven't been sleeping well.

Cadbury Creme Eggs are on post Easter super sale.  Holla!

I decided that I love my new glasses.  Just took me awhile to get used to them is all.

I really wish that Firefly would have had more than one season and a movie. :(

Life is good.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I am miserable.  My allergies and sinuses are in overdrive and I feel like poo.  That combine with the gnarly weather does not a happy Sarah make!  Sorry I haven't been around lately.  I've pretty much been sleeping my life away.  Anyway, not much has been going on in these parts.  I checked out some cookbooks from the library (finally got my library card!) and I've been picking out some recipes to try, so hopefully I feel better soon and can make them.  Well, I hate to cut out on such a short, boring, and pointless post, but I think I'm heading to bed!  Night all!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekend Happenings

What a weekend! Yesterday consisted of an early trip to Walmart and Home Depot followed by planting a tomato plant, mowing the lawn, spraying the outside of the house for bugs, and lunch on the patio. Jon and I took a nap after that which was lovely! Mother Nature has not been kind to me this week and I needed the extra sleep. After that, we went to see Jon's dad b/c it was his birthday (Happy 48th!) and meet the new puppy, Kaiser! He is so cute!

We then made a quick stop at David and Kate's, then headed home. Today, Jon did things around the house and visited Dustin and Amber while I went up to Indy for the Mutt Strut. I didn't end up walking (thank you mother nature) b/c I just feel icky! I'm not sick, just allergies and other stuff. I did manage to get some really cute pictures of Grayson!

Plus, I got in some quality snuggle time. Ok just one more picture!

Now I'm home and contemplating a nap. I am so flippin' tired!!! No, I shouldn't. Anyway, we are staying in tonight and doing very little. And maybe taking a nap.