Thursday, December 30, 2010

Post Christmas Blues

Well, I have the post Christmas blues. I mean, even the weather has the blues! Cloudy, rainy, foggy. Yep, even mother nature has the post Christmas blues. I think that means it's time for me to get another project! I have my new sewing machine, so I think that will help! First up are curtains for the kitchen! I already have the fabric, I just need to figure out how to sew! I found out that I have two floating holiday's to use at work! Woot! I will have to figure out when to take my days off. Probably sometime in March or April since we will be busy at work for the next few months. I'm just looking forward to 2 days off! Anywho, sorry for the short post, but I've gotta run! Busy busy busy!

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