Saturday, December 11, 2010

Back but Brief

I'm back! Sorry I've been away, but we have had a busy couple of days! Thursday night we had Josh's school Christmas program. It was so cute! No pic's, b/c I forgot my camera! Sonnie (mom-in-law) got some pictures so she is going to give us copies. Last night, we cashed it in early b/c Jon and I hadn't slept well the night before. Today, we headed up to Indy for my nephew's 3rd birthday party! Weren't their cakes awesome!

They are the cutest!

After their party, Jon and I ran to Target to get a couple things we need for upcoming Christmas parties, then we headed home. When we got home, we totally took a 2 hour nap. It was great. Then I made smothered pork chops (see recipe in next post) and we have been chilling out. I am almost done converting my Dad's slides. Whew! Then I am going to put them all on a cd with music. Man there is no way I should be tired seeing as I just took a 2 hour nap, but I am! I just haven't been sleeping all that well. I think we need a new box spring for our bed, and Jon agree's. Maybe then I'll get a good nights sleep! Anywho, sorry this is so short, but I honestly don't have much else to say right now! Toodles!

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