Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Sorry for the recent *cough, constant, cough* lack of posting lately! This week I am going to blame the cold weather! Well, that, which makes me want to curl up under a blanket with my cat and my husband, and the upcoming holiday! Just trying to get everything ready for Christmas! And lets face it, there isn't much to report. Tonight, for instance we had dinner, did laundry, read a little....exciting stuff no?!?! Anywho, you see my dilemma. I'd love to blog, but my life is rather boring at the moment! I'm not complaining though! I am really loving my new job and of course, the best part, I am loving living with my husband! Oh I just remembered something to post! I tried freezing a couple leftover breakfast burritos I made for dinner last night and it worked! I had read about freezing homemade breakfast burritos individually so that you can grab one and micro it in the mornings so I thought I'd try it. I made burritos with potatoes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and country gravy. Then I wrapped them individually in foil, nice and tight, then put them in the freezer! Today, I microwaved one for lunch, and it was still good! Of course, that's only 12 hours in. :) We'll see how they are in a week! I'm really excited that I finally tried a freezer meal though! Now maybe I'll have the courage to make some more!

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