Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Photo Fail Christmas

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Friday night (Christmas Eve) David, Kate, and Zach came over and had dinner and watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Then at midnight, Jon and I opened our presents from each other! He got me some really cool stuff! I love that my husband knows me so well! Jon is the kind of guy that will never buy off a list! He goes off and buys stuff he thinks of. And I always like it! He's good man! Well later that night Santa came, so when we pick Josh up today, he has a pile of presents under the tree to open! We told him yesterday when we called to say Merry Christmas, so he's pretty excited! Speaking of yesterday, we got up and went over to Jon's mom's house to have Christmas morning. Along with a lot of other nice things, they got me a sewing machine! I am so excited! I asked for a sewing machine, but I didn't think that I would get it! I am super excited to start sewing! Oh and if you're wondering why I have no pictures to accompany this post...It's b/c I am a huge goober and forgot my camera yesterday! Friday night, I may have been drinking and didn't think of taking pictures. Either way, I had a huge photo fail! But don't fret, b/c we have Christmas with Jon's Dad today and of course, Santa with Josh later. Plus Monday night we have a Christmas for Josh from Jon's mom. So there will be pictures eventually!

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