Saturday, December 4, 2010

Let it Snow

Well December has come in with a bang! We have our own little winter wonderland of snow going on and it's not supposed to stop until tomorrow! Plus, have you seen the temps for next week! in the 20's!!! Yikes! Anywho, here's some picture of our winter wonderland!
The cats really liked looking at the snow falling!
Thew view from our front door.
Trees in our backyard.

That's what I woke up to this morning! It's really pretty and magical....until you have to drive in it! Blech! Today we went and picked up our wedding pictures! We ordered a few prints from our photog and bought the rights so that we can print our pic's anytime we want! After that, we headed to Columbus to get some more Christmas shopping done! We are almost done, but not quite. We came home from shopping and took a nap! Hehe. It was a pretty good nap too! The kind where you sleep really hard and wake up feeling completely refreshed, even though you only slept for 1.5 hours. Yeah. Anyway, after the nap, Jon played some Fallout and I made a new recipe! I wanted chili b/c it's perfect chili weather, but we just had regular chili last week, so I didn't want that. I decided to improvise and make up a new recipe, so I came up with a Mexican Chili. Stay tuned for the recipe! It turned out really good in my own humble opinion. We wrapped some Christmas gifts and now we are watching The Jerk. Ah comedy.

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