Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

On Sunday (after a quick trip to the store to buy Christmas lights for the tree) we decorated our Christmas tree! Here are some picks of the process.
Jon got in on the action

Here is out Elf on the Shelf! It's a cute little elf that comes with a book telling you that he is here to watch you and report back to Santa if you've been good or not. That's how Santa knows if you go on the naughty list or the nice list!

Here I am!
Joshie was only partly into it, sniff. I guess he's just moved on from that part of childhood where decorating the Christmas tree is fun. At least he liked putting on the star!

And Here is the finished tree!
I have told Jon that this is the last year with this tree. It's small and scraggly and it's time to upgrade! I think we'll probably hit the after Christmas sales to see if we can't get one on the cheap. I do love this tree though. It has gotten us through some really good Christmas's! Happy Holiday's all!

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