Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody! I cannot believe that this year is over! It has gone by far too fast! I just can't believe that we are entering the year 2011. It doesn't seem like it's been over a decade that we all waited for the ball to drop to see if Y2K was real. It doesn't seem like I've been out of highschool for 10 years (in May). It seems crazy that I'm old enough to be talking about my life in terms of decades. As you can see, I may be having a hard time dealing with the new year. It'll be my 28th and I'm afraid I'm having some difficulty taking that in. It's not aging that bugs me, I could care less about getting older. I just kinda feel like I've almost missed out on the last 10 or so years. I suppose one could call that living your 20's. We all lose some time in our 20's. ;) But it's more than that. I just don't know where the past has gone! Time seems to be moving incredibly fast and I worry that I may be missing things. Wow this post has gone to the doom and gloom! Back to the happy! Tonight, we celebrated Josh's 9th birthday! He won't be 9 until next week, but since we won't see him, we decided to celebrate tonight! This week, Josh got to pick out dinner and a cake for his birthday celebration. He picked frozen pizza and an icecream oreo cake! Lol, this kid is easy! He also picked some appetizers (mini cheeseburgers, pigs in a blanket, and cheese sticks) for dinner/midnight snacking. We got him a bottle of sparkling grape juice to toast in the new year!

We rang in the new year by watching the ball drop online and I got my new years kiss from my hubby! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!!!! Let's hope that 2011 is an awesome year for all!

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