Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Italian Pork Sandwhiches

I finally made a good crockpot roast! Yea! I wanted to make Italian pork sandwiches b/c I love my dad's so much. Mine weren't as good as his, but they weren't too shabby in their own way! I mean, I'll never think my food is a good as my mom and dad's is. :)

1 pork shoulder roast
1 packet Italian dressing seasoning
1/2 tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp Italian seasoning
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup water

Mix water and all seasoning. Place roast in Crockpot and pour water over top. Cook on low 8 hours. Check a couple times to make sure there is still a little bit of water. Serve on crusty bread. I like to top mine with some mozzarella cheese! :)

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