Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas is Here!!!!!!!

I'm back! This weekend was a lot of fund and oh so busy! We hung out with David and Kate on Friday night and watched Planet of the Dinosaurs. apparently Jon and David watched it a lot as kids and they wanted to watch it again. Well it wasn't terrible, but I probably wouldn't ever pick it again. Saturday, we got up early and headed up to Lafayette to meet my family at Chuck E Cheese. My parents Christmas present to the grandkids was a trip to Chuck E Cheese and a pair of pajamas. So we hung out and had a lot of fun!

After that we went to Cold Stone Creamery and had ice cream. Jon, Josh and I stopped at a store called the Game Preserve and Jon bought a game called Zombies. It looks pretty cool. I can't wait to play it! After that, we all headed to Mom and Dad's and had dinner and opened presents. Those are my gorgeous grandparents!

After presents, we watched the slide dvd's I made for Dad. Everybody really liked them. I found a few that weren't facing the right way, and I found about 10 boxes of slides that Dad never sent me! I'm going to have to finish up those and fix a few of the glitches that are in the current movie, then I'm going to burn new movies to give the new movies. At least we got to watch the dvd's this weekend. Sunday, we got up early and went and got a tour of Grandma and Grandpa George's house, since Jon and Josh had never seen it. Then we headed back home. We were here for just long enough to shower, then we headed to the Eaglen family Christmas (Jon's mom's side). We only got to stay there for a bit b/c we had to take Josh back to his mom. We seemed to miss all the fun stuff (Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest, Ornament Exchange, Dirty Santa Gift Exchange) but I'm super excited to experience it next year! When Jon and I got home last night, we were so bushed that we just conked out. Today it was back to work. This weekend is Christmas with Jon's families, so we'll be pretty busy. I think I'm going to try and catch up on my sleep this week.

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